Mars? They cant even go to the moon ! Also we cant go to antartica (its block), something is very fishy

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South Pole is on my bucket list . Definitely some interesting stuff going on there…

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Please open the door to Antarctica so we can escape, we can't stand this world anymore.

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That's right. In 55 years we haven't returned to the Moon, and nobody asks why, even though we have better equipment and shuttles than in 1969. They didn't even explain how they crossed the Van Allen Belt. These belts are two areas where high-energy charged particles, mainly from the solar wind, are concentrated and are deadly. How did they manage to cross it if today it is impossible to do so according to astronauts? And on top of that, the original tapes of the flight were lost. We continue with the mysteries.

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Another big lie that was put on humanity. There are still many people who believe that we went there, they continue to trust the official world, just as they have done with the false pandemic. And the funny thing is that these people do not ask themselves anything.

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A great article - but unfortunately the majority of humanity still hasn't understood it or doesn't know about it - rarely does anyone read between the lines.... logical thinking is apparently no longer “in” either etc.... and what I have already noticed is that you could smear people with the truth every day and they still wouldn't believe it... very frightening!



These soulless devils, WEF, UN, WHO and their backers and henchmen use the word “Sustainability“. That is a word you should be very wary of. Anytime you hear sustainability, economic sustainability, development, sustainability, governmental sustainability, agricultural sustainability, nothing good follows on the backside of that.

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I totally agree. For them sustainability means extermination.

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Excellent piece. This is one of the best sentences: "...you will be neuromodulated happy, since otherwise you could never be." No one wants to be a mind-controlled slave, but that's what these ghouls intend. They couch all their hideous ideas in nice sounding cliches (the devil always appears as an angel of light), assuming the vast majority of people won't figure it out, hence, the failure to reject their IOB system injections en-masse. I now assume it was the DEW technology that served as the stick required to get all 193 nations in the UN to sign on to this horrific nightmare. The carrot doesn't work that well.

The moronic irony is, not even those carrying out this dastardly program will enjoy the "hell on earth" they are creating.

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That's right. We are an intelligent species, hence why these demons have to use deception to get what they want.

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Excellent article.

We are surrounded by psychopaths, and Klaus is one of the biggest.

The world they have prepared for us is very dark, and yet there is still no human revolution with everything that has happened. Again, this shows that all the revolutions of the past were always thought up and paid for by THEM, there was never a revolution that came directly from the people.

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Indeed, what you say is true. All the revolutions in history were created by THEM with the aim of continuing to sacrifice our species. What happened with this genocide is very serious, and yet no one moves.

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The people are still asleep, this shows that it has always been others who have pulled the strings in all the revolutions.

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Agenda 2030 should be a cause for concern because its sustainable development goals could be used to impose policies that limit our freedoms and the sovereignty of countries. A global order could result in excessive control over our lives, sacrificing fundamental rights in pursuit of a collective ideal, akin to modern slavery.

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