The world we live in is at a tipping point, where decisions made at a global level seem to follow a hidden agenda that unfolds beyond popular understanding. The 2030 Agenda, wrapped in promises of sustainability and equitable development, is presented as an ideal framework to improve our societies. However, behind this veil of good intentions, many of us are beginning to see a series of guidelines that point towards the creation of a New World Order, one that could have devastating consequences for humanity. This unified and mandatory approach not only erodes our sovereignty and freedom, but also raises serious questions about our future as a species, by slowly eliminating the diversity of thought and individual autonomy that have been fundamental pillars of human progress.
As policies are implemented that seem to be more of an imposition than a consensual choice, it is essential to pause and reflect on the implications that these changes will bring to our lives. The centralization of power in the hands of a small group of elites who call themselves "guardians of the future" should worry us. These entities, which camouflage themselves behind international organizations and global agreements, and which could be operating under the influence of non-human forces, seem to have a markedly utilitarian vision, where humanity becomes a resource to be managed rather than a set of individuals with unique rights and aspirations. This is where the great concern lies: do they really take into account the well-being of the population in their decisions? Or, on the contrary, are we being led towards a predetermined future where our autonomy is relegated to the background.
The imposition of a New World Order is not a conspiracy theory; it is a phenomenon that manifests itself in the policies that affect our daily lives. From the regulation of our fundamental freedoms to mass surveillance that is justified under the cloak of security, these movements reflect a pattern of control that threatens to decimate our humanity. Instead of fostering cooperation and diversity, these impositions tend to establish a rigid framework that favors the homogenization of thoughts and behaviors.
For the human species, this is a regression to a scenario in which the values of individuality and creativity, essential for the evolution of our societies, are marginalized. It is imperative that we unite and question these narratives that are presented to us as inevitable, because if we do, we can glimpse a future where humanity does not adapt to an imposed order, but flourishes in its diversity and free will.
The Davos Forum
The World Economic Forum (WEF), which is held annually in Davos, hence it is also known as the Davos Forum, is the most important "closed-door" economic meeting in the world.
The Davos Forum is not simply a congress of ideas; it is a meeting point where decisions that affect governments, businesses and entire societies are forged. In this exclusive venue in Switzerland, the global elite exchange strategies and coordinate efforts, away from public view and criticism. While the average citizen faces daily challenges, these powerful people attend private sessions where they address "global governance", climate change and other crucial issues, which seem benign. However, beneath this façade of concern for global well-being, true intentions are hidden: the implementation of a world order that serves their interests, where control over the economy, technology and information is centralized even more.
This elite, made up of political, business and financial leaders, operates in the shadows, shaping reality at will. This annual event, which brings together some of the most powerful minds on the planet, has established itself as a platform where policies that will influence the future of humanity are discussed and, more significantly, designed.
Who controls this forum? Obviously, who pays for it: the Forum is financed by a hundred member companies. The typical member company is a global company with a turnover of more than five billion dollars. In Spain, half a dozen of the main IBEX companies are present (Santander, BBVA, Iberdrola, etc.).
This World Economic Forum was one of the many creations of the Bilderberg Club. In 1973, the members of the select Bilderberg Club, founded in 1953, launched a plan to expand their area of action and influence without increasing the number of such exclusive members, which would imply increasing the number of monopolies among which the market pie should be shared.
As in the case of the Bilderberg Club, the formal part of the Forum is filled with the usual media circus, devoid of content, necessary to divert attention from the true purpose of the meeting, the organization of cartels, the signing of contracts and the purchase of companies for monopolistic purposes.
The Forum allows companies in the same industrial sectors to make direct contact, closing thousands of agreements, both contractual and political. The results are better than expected: the Forum keeps the global market under control, and provides it with fresh meat in the form of young companies that are easily absorbed.
Local industries, heirs to national oligarchies, share space with transnational corporations until they are absorbed. The aim is to annihilate small and medium-sized companies.
All 193 countries that make up the United Nations signed the new "sustainable" development agenda for the planet in New York in 2015. They have all obediently adopted this reset. They will all develop policies in what has been called Agenda 2030.
The narrative promoted in Davos, about how to improve the state of the world, is a wrapper that hides the true purpose of their meetings: to ensure a future in which the elite continues to dominate. While addressing global concerns, agreements are established that tend to favor corporations, reinforcing a system that perpetuates inequality and the concentration of power. It is a chess game where the pieces are nations and their inhabitants, and unfortunately, on this board, many are left as mere pawns, ignoring the true scope of the maneuvers that are woven behind closed doors at the Davos Forum.
8 predictions for the world in 2030
The “8 predictions for the world in 2030” are a series of projections made by the World Economic Forum in 2016 and published in 2017 in Spanish on the Forum's website, which explore what our future could be like in various key areas. These "predictions" range from changes in private property and consumption to technological advances and social transformations. Curiously, the original English source1 has been removed from their servers, but the Spanish version2 remains.
These "predictions" present a gloomy picture that is causing growing concern among those who still value freedom and human diversity. They are "predictions" that are slowly coming true. What can be seen through these projections is deeply disturbing. The idea that most people will not own anything and be happy, but that it will be "something to rent," is a direct blow to our freedom. This is the first of the "predictions," which are more than predictions, they are intentions to be fulfilled in the short term. Of course you will be happy, with the nanotechnology that has been introduced to people I would add the following, "you will be neuromodulated happy," since otherwise you could never be.
This is not a mere prediction; it is a declaration of war against our autonomy and our right to property, reminiscent of the style of the most atrocious communist regimes. Let us recall the very words of the president of the Davos Forum, Mr. Klaus Schwab, praising the virtues of the Chinese communist regime.
A world where privacy disappears and people depend on institutions that control everything, is a world where we will no longer be more than shadows of what we really are. As these transformations materialize, we find ourselves at a point of no return, where those who wield power decide what is right and what is wrong.
Furthermore, in such “predictions” we cannot ignore the increasing control over private life that is hinted at by the advance of technology and mass surveillance. The idea that “there will be a social credit system,” as has been implemented in some communist countries, is terrifying. This system seeks to classify and divide society, sowing fear and distrust among us. The dehumanization of interpersonal relationships becomes an instrument of control, a method of forcing conformity and crushing all forms of dissent.
Suddenly, our ability to have an independent opinion and act is hanging in the balance. The Davos Forum's "predictions" are not just a preview of the future; they are a warning of what is to come if we do not wake up and begin to question these plans that seem to be designed to subjugate humanity, not liberate it.
Total dependence on the state or global corporations for our basic needs is not a progressive ideal, but a form of slavery in which we give up our personal power for a false promise of security. If we do not intervene now, humanity could face a future where servitude is the norm and autonomy is a vestige of the past, forever erasing the indomitable spirit that has characterized our species throughout history. It is time to open our eyes!
It is very important to know all the details of what our future will bring, because sooner or later all of this will have repercussions on our lives, for better or worse, leaving the human species at the mercy of mantras that now try to convince and then will impose themselves by drumbeat.
Like true prophets, they do not predict or enumerate the future possibilities that technology will allow, but rather they announce to us the use that they will give to these predictions and that we will give to them only by the express wish of their decisions.
Let's read between the lines, it all sounds too nice to believe, it would be a perfect world, an ideal world, "A Brave New World." Who can say that they won't decide everything from birth to what we eat, from how we move to when we die, whether willingly or by force. The World Economic Forum, under the orders of the Bilderberg Club, did not need much verbiage to present a summary of what they intend to do with humanity in the near future.
These are the eight points in which the World Economic Forum has summarized in a short video the savage aggression that it has undertaken against human society:
8 predictions for the world in 2030:
You'll own nothing and you'll be happy. Qhatever you want you'll rent and it'll be delivered by drone.
The US won't be the world's leading superpower. A handful of countries will dominate.
You won't die waiting for an organ donor. We won't transplant organs, we'll print new ones instead.
You'll eat much less meat. An occasional treat, not a staple for the good of the environment and our health.
A billion people will be displaced by climate change. We'll have to do a better job at welcoming and integrating refugees.
Polluters wil have tu pay to emit carbon dioside. There will be a global price on carbon, this will help makes fossil fuels history.
You could be preparingto go to Mars. Scientists will have worked out how to keep you healthy in space. The start of a journey to find alien life?
Western values will have been tested to the breaking point. Checks and balances that underpin our democracies must not be forgotten.
The freedoms and rights that we have achieved as humanity, from now on have their days numbered and they do not hide it from you. In this way we can see point 8, where the intention to abolish democracies is manifested in a veiled manner and with euphemisms. Likewise, they do not hide their purpose of eliminating the right to private property, as can be seen in point 1; this is reflected in the recent approved policies where the expropriation of homes and land is allowed.
Under the false flag of climate change—which is actually a climate modification orchestrated by them—they will impose a ban on eating meat (point 4), while at a global level they are promoting a diet based on insects; curiously, high-quality graphene is extracted from the exoskeletons of these insects.
On the other hand, the United States is no longer the world's leading power. This country is going through one of its worst crises and is gradually falling apart. The alarming thing about this phenomenon is that while the population is fighting and arguing with each other, they are not aware of the reality around them.
Regarding point 7, the idea of traveling to Mars is absurd. There is not even conclusive evidence that humans have set foot on the Moon, and they are already planning to embark on a mission to Mars.
Let's watch the promotional video made by the International Economic Forum.
If this is not enough for you, read on. More than two years ago, while searching for information about The Great Reset, I found an article on the Davos Forum website. Its title was: "Welcome to 2030. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better", written by Ida Auken, former Minister of the Environment of Denmark and member of the Davos Forum. The article was published on the Forum's website on November 18, 2016. Since then or even before, they already knew all the plans they had in store for us.
The article in question is no longer available online, having been removed from the Forum's official website. What motivated this decision? Did it explicitly reveal its future intentions? In anticipation of this eventuality, I took a screenshot, as I considered that the content justified it.
Curiously, truth-checkers are now beginning to appear, denying any connection between the Davos Forum and this article. They even go so far as to deny the famous phrase that was spread in a video during the Forum, in which it was stated that "in 2030 you will own nothing and you will be happy."
Ida Auken's article presents a worrying dystopia in a world where privacy is a thing of the past. Through a disturbing vision, she proposes a future in which conformity and dependence on an omnipresent system are the norm, transforming life into total control that deprives individuals of their autonomy, disguising the lack of possessions as a liberation.
This path towards a 2030 in which privacy has been sacrificed on the altar of convenience and efficiency should be cause for reflection and concern. What costs are we willing to assume in the name of manufactured well-being? Auken, in her analysis, seems to offer a utopian vision, but many of us in this awareness circle are alarmed by the darker implications of her vision. The idea of living in a world where every movement is monitored, every thought is analyzed, and where our lives are mediated by technologies that favor surveillance, should not be trivialized. This is a cry of alarm in the face of a potentially irreversible future, where individual freedom is diluted in a sea of conformity.
I have made a video where the article by Minister Ida Auken appears in full.
To conclude, let us look at these statements by the President of the Davos Forum, Mr. Klaus Schwab, at the World Government Summit in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, in 2022, and his allusion to the neural interface applied to humanity. Draw your own conclusions.
Excellent piece. This is one of the best sentences: " will be neuromodulated happy, since otherwise you could never be." No one wants to be a mind-controlled slave, but that's what these ghouls intend. They couch all their hideous ideas in nice sounding cliches (the devil always appears as an angel of light), assuming the vast majority of people won't figure it out, hence, the failure to reject their IOB system injections en-masse. I now assume it was the DEW technology that served as the stick required to get all 193 nations in the UN to sign on to this horrific nightmare. The carrot doesn't work that well.
The moronic irony is, not even those carrying out this dastardly program will enjoy the "hell on earth" they are creating.
Excellent article.
We are surrounded by psychopaths, and Klaus is one of the biggest.
The world they have prepared for us is very dark, and yet there is still no human revolution with everything that has happened. Again, this shows that all the revolutions of the past were always thought up and paid for by THEM, there was never a revolution that came directly from the people.