In the previous chapter of "History of a Genocide - XXV" we were checking how Graphene is transmitted from vaccinated to unvaccinated.
In this chapter, we will clarify some aspects about the hydrogel present in vaccines. We have been observing how The False Dissidence is deliberately confusing people by stating that the ribbons, sheets and filaments of graphene oxide seen under the microscope are hydrogel, without having carried out any chemical or micro-Raman analysis on the matter, as the Dr. Campra.
When we talk about hydrogel we are referring to the product that is declared by pharmaceutical companies as a component of covid vaccines, which is transparent and gelatinous.
What is hydrogel?
Hydrogel is a material composed of polymer chains that have the ability to retain large amounts of water in its structure. In medicine, hydrogel is mainly used for its physical and chemical properties, which include:
Water absorption capacity: Hydrogel has the ability to absorb large amounts of water, which makes it useful for tissue hydration or fluid control in wounds.
Good biocompatibility: The hydrogel is biocompatible, which means that it is safe to use in contact with tissues and does not cause adverse reactions in the body.
Flexibility and elasticity: Hydrogel is a flexible and elastic material, which makes it easy to adapt to different shapes and structures of the body.
Controlled porosity: The hydrogel can be designed with different porosities to control its capacity for liquid absorption, drug release or other specific applications in medicine.
Controlled drug release: The hydrogel can be used as a vehicle for the controlled release of drugs, which allows dosing the amount of medication administered and improving the effectiveness of the treatment.
Its structure similar to that of human tissues and its ability to absorb and release substances make it very useful in the field of medicine. In summary, hydrogel is a versatile and useful material in medicine due to its physical and chemical properties that allow a wide range of applications in wound treatment, drug delivery and other therapeutic uses.
Polymers have been used in medicine for more than 50 years. In the 1960s, biocompatible polymers began to be developed for use in medical applications such as suture materials, orthopedic implants, and controlled drug release devices. Since then, polymers have become a fundamental component in numerous medical technologies and in the development of new treatments and therapies.
This information is essential to take into account since the False Dissidence is wrongly attributing the deaths that have occurred since 2021 to the use of hydrogel, a compound that has been used for many decades without causing serious problems or sudden deaths like those that have occurred since 2021.
However, it was not until 2018 or 2019 when graphene was introduced into injectables, which has caused the toxicity that we all know.
Chemical composition of the vaccine hydrogel
The hydrogel used in the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines is primarily based on a biocompatible synthetic polymer known as PEG (polyethylene glycol). PEG acts as a "cloaking device" for large, complex molecules, such as proteins present in vaccines, antibodies or gene therapies. In short, the hydrogel in vaccines is mainly composed of PEG.
PEG has precisely had to be used in covid vaccines to wrap graphene with the aim that it causes less damage by being camouflaged by the immune system.
Unlike the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, the AstraZeneca vaccine does not contain lipids (PEG) for preservation. However, it produces the same problems as the other two previous vaccines, from blood clots to pneumonia, the typical symptoms of Covid. Therefore, this would be further proof that the hydrogel is not the cause of the deaths we have witnessed since 2021.
In the 20th century, hydrogel was used in a variety of medical applications beyond vaccines. Some examples include:
In regenerative medicine: hydrogel has been used as a vehicle for stem cell transplantation in the treatment of injuries and chronic diseases.
In controlled drug release: some drugs have been encapsulated in hydrogels to allow sustained and controlled release in the body.
In tissue engineering: Hydrogel has been used as a three-dimensional environment for culturing cells and tissues for the regeneration of damaged organs and tissues.
In surgery and dentistry: Hydrogel has been used as a suture material, a surgical dressing or a filling material in dental procedures.
Appearance of the hydrogel seen under the microscope
We can describe the hydrogel seen under a microscope as follows:
Gelatinous Texture: When observing the hydrogel, you would notice its gelatinous appearance. This is due to its high water content and cross-linked polymeric structure. The hydrogel swells and retains water, giving it that characteristic appearance.
Polymer Network: If we approach it with a microscope, we would see a three-dimensional network of polymers. These polymers are intertwined and form a matrix that traps water molecules inside.
Porosity and Empty Spaces: The hydrogel may have pores or empty spaces between the polymers. These pores can vary in size and shape. Some hydrogels are denser and more uniform, while others have a more open structure.
There is an obvious difference with the hydrogel if we observe graphene under the electron microscope. Here are Dr. Campra's images (2021) of the Pfizer vaccine. The image on the left is the sample taken by Dr. Campra, and the one on the right is an image taken from scientific literature.
And in this other image we see a SEM micrographs of a cross section and b surface of PEG hydrogel obtained using template particles in the size range of 75 to 150 lm.
In that 2020 study, Swelling and drug delivery kinetics of click-synthesized hydrogels based on various combinations of PEG and star-shaped PCL1: influence of network parameters on swelling and release behavior, we will see microscope images of the pure PEG hydrogel. You can see how the PEG looks nothing like the electron microscope with the same graphene images.
In summary, when looking at hydrogel under an optical microscope, we would see a three-dimensional structure, porosity, and a gelatinous texture.
Duration of the hydrogel in the body
How long PEG lasts in the body after injection depends on several factors, including:
The type of PEG: There are different types of PEG with different molecular weights. Lower molecular weight PEGs are eliminated from the body more quickly than higher molecular weight ones.
The dose: The higher the dose of PEG injected, the longer it will take to be eliminated from the body.
Route of administration: PEG injected intravenously is eliminated from the body more quickly than PEG administered intramuscularly.
Kidney function: People with kidney problems may take longer to eliminate PEG from their body.
Liver function: People with liver problems may also take longer to eliminate PEG from their body.
This document from the United States Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry2 summarizes the available scientific data on the health effects of PEGs. And due to its administration in medications and food, once PEG enters the bloodstream, it remains for a short time: "Propylene glycol breaks down in the body in about 48 hours."
Generally, PEG is a polymer that is not absorbed into the human body, it is eliminated from the body within 24 to 72 hours. However, in some cases, it may take longer, especially in people with kidney or liver problems.
In more severe cases, the PEG used in some vaccines takes about 2 to 3 weeks to completely break down in the body. Once broken down, the hydrogel components are safely eliminated through the body's natural processes.
However, we have seen these fakes, this False Dissidence claim that the structures seen under a microscope in the blood of vaccinated people, after 1 year or more, are hydrogel or PEG.
In this other study3 from 2014, On the biodegradability of polyethylene glycol, polypeptoids and poly(2-oxazoline)s, it demonstrates the biodegradability of the PEG hydrogel and polypeptoids, while polyurethanes are more resistant to degradation.
Graphene oxide seen under a dark field microscope
Now let's see what graphene oxide looks like in a dark field microscope with ultraviolet light. We already know that graphene is luminescent, fluorescent in this light.
Some fakers call these images a hydrogel, but they are wrong. Either they are completely unaware of what graphene looks like under a microscope, or they are trying to trick people into hiding the truth about graphene.
This is a widely used tactic when trying to divert attention from something. In Spain the same thing happened with rapeseed oil syndrome. They blamed the oil, when it was later discovered that it was a toxin that they had put in a batch of tomatoes and distributed to see its effect on the population. Today many people still believe that it was the oil and not the toxin in the tomatoes.
The False Dissidence, which initially denied the presence of graphene in 2021 and defended mRNA and spike, has changed its strategy when faced with increasingly solid evidence in all parts of the world of the presence of graphene in vials. Now, instead of denying graphene, they have chosen to change their strategy and focus on the supposed hydrogel present in vaccines.
In Europe, due to geographical proximity and in South America due to language affinity, no one talks about hydrogel, since the presence of graphene oxide was already well demonstrated in 2021.
Although I have published numerous images of graphene oxide in various chapters, I have chosen to select a few photographs taken with a bright field microscope. This further demonstrates the reason why the so-called False Dissidence always presents dark field microscope images, since in all the reports made by the numerous doctors around the world bright field images are shown. To avoid similarity, they prefer to use the dark field. However, there are more and more images of graphene taken in dark field that show its luminescent property.
All of these images come from aqueous solutions of graphene oxide purchased from a company that markets graphene oxide, so there is no doubt about the material we are seeing. The similarity with what False Dissidence claims to be hydrogel is more than evident.
Differences between PEG hydrogel and graphene oxide
PEG hydrogel is not an oxidizing material
PEG, unlike graphene, is not considered a material that creates oxidation in the body. Hydrogel is a high water retention aqueous material that is commonly used in biomedical applications such as regenerative medicine and controlled drug release. It does not have oxidizing properties in itself, since it is used precisely to maintain a humid environment, and its use in the body does not imply that it generates oxidation in tissues or body fluids.
In this 2015 study4, Antioxidant Capacity of Poly(Ethylene Glycol) (PEG) as Protection Mechanism Against Hydrogen Peroxide Inactivation of Peroxidases, it was found that polyethylene glycol (PEG) can protect the activity of certain enzymes such as peroxidase. PEG increased the operational stability of some, but not all, peroxidases and did not affect the catalytic constants. PEG is believed to protect enzymes by capturing or scavenging harmful radicals, functioning as an antioxidant.
Therefore, taking antioxidants should not offer an improvement in Covid patients if the cause of all deaths since 2021 were the hydrogel, however we see that they do work. Therefore, the hydrogel does not explain the symptoms of Covid. You just need to consult all the scientific literature on the damage caused by graphene oxide to verify that it produces the same symptoms, from pneumonia, blood clotting, thrombi, etc.
In contrast, graphene oxide is a great oxidant in the body. Most of the damage it causes is due to its oxidation, and subsequently its derivation to all types of various diseases, and this is why taking antioxidants combats the damage it produces and the patient improves. We see once again how criminals try to hide the truth.
PEG hydrogel does not cause blood clotting
Unlike graphene, which is a hypercoagulant, PEG does not produce blood clotting. There is no scientific evidence to show that it directly causes blood clotting. PEG-based hydrogel is a polymeric material that can retain large amounts of water and is used in various medical applications. Precisely its ability to absorb and retain water is not related to blood clotting. Adequate hydration is associated with a lower risk of fatal coronary heart disease. In fact, it is used to COATING surfaces of medical devices, such as catheters and stents, to reduce the adhesion of proteins and cells. This helps prevent the formation of blood clots and improves biocompatibility.
There are many studies that prove this. For example, when studying how to prevent blood clotting using biomaterials in medical applications such as titanium, this 2005 study5 showed that coating titanium with PEG hydrogel prolongs clotting time. Uncoated titanium surfaces activated blood clotting, so blood-material interaction in medical devices can cause serious complications. Antithrombotic coatings, such as PEG, are beneficial for improving blood compatibility in medical devices. Therefore the conclusions were that PEG can reduce the activation of coagulation systems.
This other 2016 study6 evaluated the safety and efficacy of conjugated PEG in rats, reaching the same conclusions. In summary, PEG appears to be safe and does not negatively affect blood clotting under the conditions evaluated in this rat study.
In this other study7 from 2011, where the objective of this work was to develop surfaces in contact with blood that have the double property of resistance to proteins and inhibition of coagulation, it was shown that PEG can improve blood compatibility in medical devices.
And to give another example of the many that exist, in this other study8 from 1999, the use of PEG and unfractionated heparin in the prevention of arterial thrombosis was compared. It was performed on healthy human volunteers ex vivo by exposing a tissue factor-coated coverslip to non-anticoagulated blood. PEG was found to be more effective in preventing platelet and fibrin deposition compared to heparin. Furthermore, PEG was observed to have a more rapid effect in prolonging activated partial thromboplastin time compared to heparin. This suggests that PEG is an effective agent for preventing arterial thrombosis in this ex vivo human experimental model.
If graphene were injected directly, the inflammatory response would be immediate, which is why they had to cover it with PEG hydrogel to prevent the immune system from detecting it immediately and causing more damage. And since the hydrogel decomposes after a few weeks, the graphene will go where it is needed.
PEG hydrogel is not present in physiological serums
Indeed, the hydrogel is not present in physiological serums. However, the structures found in these sera are identical to those found in the Covid vaccines, and yet the False Dissidence insists on stating that what they observe is a hydrogel. This position is reminiscent of the previous speech in which they defended mRNA.
PEG hydrogel does not produce magnetism in the body
Another obvious difference with graphene is that PEG does not produce magnetism in the body. It is something that False Dissidence cannot explain. We were already discussing this topic in chapter V, where we verified how vaccinated people present magnetism. Likewise, we were also checking in chapter XVI how graphene has magnetic properties according to scientific literature.
PEG hydrogel does not produce MAC addresses
Another difference with PEG is that it does not produce MAC addresses, something that has been proven since the beginning of vaccination. Vaccinated people produce MAC addresses by 90-95%. We were already dealing with it in chapter XIII. Graphene, and graphene-based nanotechnology, according to the scientific studies consulted, has the capacity to transform the MegaHertz band into TeraHertz, necessary for people's intracorporeal Internet network.
PEG hydrogel is not a conductive material
Polyethylene glycol (PEG) is a kind of polymeric material with unique hydrophilicity and electrical neutrality9.
Another piece of evidence that reveals the lies of criminal hydrogel defenders is that polyethylene glycol (PEG) is not a conductive material due to its non-polar chemical structure and lack of mobile electrons that can carry an electric current. Hydrogel is a hydrophilic polymer mainly used in biomedical and pharmaceutical applications as a COATING or surface modifier. It is important to note that PEG is used only to coat graphene-based nanotechnology. The real concern lies with the content within the PEG, not the PEG itself.
PEG hydrogel is not used in nanotechnology
There are several reasons why PEG has never been used in nanotechnology:
PEG can interfere with interactions between nanoparticles and biological molecules due to its high density of hydroxyl groups and the ability to form hydrogen bonds. Their relatively large molecular size can affect the stability and loading capacity of nanoparticles.
PEG may make it difficult to functionalize nanoparticles with other molecules due to its own chemical functionality.
PEG may be less effective at stabilizing nanoparticles in aqueous solutions compared to other polymers more suitable for nanotechnology.
PEG may undergo decomposition or degradation under certain conditions of use in nanotechnology, which could affect the stability and effectiveness of the nanoparticles.
PEG may not be compatible with certain types of analyzes or techniques used in nanotechnology, which limits its applicability in this field.
PEG can adsorb proteins on its surface, which could affect the functionality of the nanoparticles.
On the contrary, it is important to mention that there is extensive scientific literature that supports the use of graphene in nanotechnology due to its extraordinary properties. A notable example is the work of Josep Miquel Jornet and his graphene-based nanotechnology patents, such as nanorouters and nanoantennas used as biosensors in the body. Although it was briefly mentioned in Chapter 13, we will spend more time on this topic in a future chapter so as not to overextend this one.
PEG hydrogel does not have quantum qualities like graphene
We have already mentioned that hydrogel is a material composed mainly of water and polymers with specific physical and chemical properties that make it useful in various medical applications.
However, the hydrogel does not have quantum properties like those possessed by graphene, because its molecular structure does not allow interaction at the subatomic level as occurs in quantum materials. Quantum materials, such as superconductors or graphene-based semiconductors, exhibit quantum phenomena such as quantum entanglement, quantum superposition and wave-particle duality, which are fundamental for their operation and applications in advanced technologies.
Instead, the hydrogel behaves according to the classical laws of physics, which describe the behavior of macroscopic objects through principles such as classical mechanics and thermodynamics. Therefore, the hydrogel does not have quantum properties and its usefulness in medicine is mainly due to its mechanical properties, porosity, biocompatibility and water absorption capacity, which make it suitable for a variety of medical applications, including the coating of other materials such as graphene oxide, or graphene quantum dots.
Graphene Quantum Dots (GQD)
Graphene quantum dots, also known as quantum dots, are semiconductor nanoparticles that have unique optical properties. These nanoparticles have a size of the order of nanometers, which allows them to display quantum properties such as fluorescence of bright and highly stable colors.
Graphene quantum dots are used in a wide range of applications, such as high-resolution displays, biomarkers in biomedicine, security labels on commercial products, and in solar cell and electronic device research. Due to their ability to emit light in a wide range of colors, graphene quantum dots are a very promising material in various technological applications. Unlike the laws of classical physics, its behavior is governed by quantum mechanics.
Quantum dots are made of semiconductor materials such as graphene. Graphene is a form of carbon in which the atoms are arranged in a two-dimensional network structure. This structure gives it unique properties, such as high electrical and thermal conductivity, as well as high mechanical resistance. Quantum dots made of graphene are used in applications such as electronics, optoelectronics and nanotechnology due to their unique properties at the quantum level.
The False Dissidence never mentions that Quantum Dots are made of graphene, avoiding pronouncing that word as if it were taboo. His attempt to hide this fact is very obvious, his strategy does not go unnoticed.
Although we already explored some studies on the toxicity of graphene quantum dots in Chapter X, this section presents previous research that demonstrates how the properties of graphene at the quantum level have been studied for several decades. We will not see a study of this type with the PEG hydrogel, since it does not have conductive properties as we have pointed out before.
Transmission and scarring in graphene quantum dots. En este documento de 2009 se estudia el transporte electrónico en estructuras de puntos cuánticos hechas de grafeno.
Graphene quantum dots derived from carbon fibers. In this other study from 2012, they praise the benefits of graphene quantum dots, due to the stability of luminescence, biocompatibility, high solubility in water, demonstrating that they are excellent probes for high contrast biosensing and bioimaging applications.
Insight into the cellular internalization and cytotoxicity of graphene quantum dots, In this other study from 2013, they also praise the properties of this material in the biomedical field due to its cellular internalization. It is demonstrated that GQDs are internalized into cells mainly through caveolae-mediated endocytosis. Although the cytotoxicity of GQDs is recognized to be lower than that of micrometer-sized graphene oxide (GO), toxicity remains.
Multifunctional graphene quantum dots for simultaneous targeted cellular imaging and drug delivery. The conclusions of this 2014 study are clear: “GQDs as a novel drug carrier exhibit several advantages, including small size, excellent biocompatibility, inherent fluorescent property, high surface-to-volume ratio, and abundant carboxylic group rendering conjugation with various anchor molecules. The nanoassembly fabricated by loading drugs onto ligand-functionalized GQDs enables specific labeling of a certain cell type, thereby effectively delivering drugs to target cells and monitoring the cellular uptake of the drug delivery systems”,
Graphene Quantum Dots for Theranostics and Bioimaging, This 2016 study concludes that graphene quantum dots (GQDs) would produce new or improve current methods used for bioimaging, drug delivery, and biomarker sensors for early disease detection.
Graphene Quantum Dots: Synthesis and Applications. This other 2018 study concludes that GQDs, due to their quantum confinement, edge effect, chemical stability, high surface-to-volume ratio and biocompatibility, have potential in bioimaging, detection and drug delivery.
Graphene Quantum Dots for Optical Bioimaging. In this 2019 study, they demonstrate that graphene quantum dots (GQDs) have great potential in bioimaging applications due to their excellent biocompatibility, feasibility for surface functionalization, physiological stability, and tunable fluorescence properties.
Carbon Dots and Graphene Quantum Dots in Electrochemical Biosensing. This 2019 study highlights the potential of nanomaterials, such as carbon dots and graphene quantum dots, in electrochemical biosensing, offering a promising tool for the detection of biological molecules.
Unravelling the Potential of Graphene Quantum Dots in Biomedicine and Neuroscience. This other study from 2020 highlights the great potential of graphene quantum dots in biomedicine and neuroscience, and provides an overview of the latest research in this field.
Biological Potential of Polyethylene Glycol (PEG)-Functionalized Graphene Quantum Dots in In Vitro Neural Stem/Progenitor Cells. In this other study by 2021, the hydrogel (PEG) functionalized with graphene quantum dots appears. The study demonstrates how by wrapping or covering graphene quantum dots with PEG hydrogel, the GQDs are not toxic to cells and can be internalized by them without affecting their viability. (In the study they ignore that when the PEG disappears from the body after 72 hours, the graphene begins to do its damage).
I had planned to include more scientific literature, but seeing the length of this chapter I have decided not to include it. There are hundreds of studies on the use of graphene quantum dots in biomedicine.
I would like to find some scientific literature on hydrogel where it has been experimented with as much as graphene. What other material currently exists with this quantum capacity other than graphene?
Another defining characteristic of False Dissidence is its refusal to mention the work of Dr. Campra and other scientists who have found graphene oxide in vaccines. Instead, they prefer to blame the hydrogel, a compound declared by pharmaceutical companies, as the cause of the damage. They use images of graphene and call it a hydrogel, with the aim of diverting attention from the truth.
Throughout these last 4 years, numerous independent studies, laboratory reports, chemical analyzes and micro-Raman analyzes have emerged that demonstrate the high presence of graphene in Covid vaccines, as seen in Chapter XV.
Anyone with a minimum of common sense, just by looking under the microscope and seeing those structures, comparing them with the scientific literature and with the analyzes carried out in various parts of the world, and seeing the toxicity studies of graphene oxide, would be enough to understand everything. The true mission of this False Dissidence is not to understand, but to manipulate a specific audience through deception, although they do not manage to deceive everyone.
Despite their efforts to appear opposed to the system, they cannot hide the truth. When Dr. Campra demonstrated the presence of graphene in vaccines in 2021, they tried to divert attention to the mRNA and spike proteins. When the absence of mRNA in the vaccines was demonstrated and deaths continued, they blamed the hydrogel for masking the presence of graphene. Their motivation has been to hide graphene by all means; they are hired to misinform and create confusion.
Please understand our position well, we are not stating that the hydrogel is harmless. At The Fifth Column, we have been studying these individuals for years and we know how to recognize their lies. The day will come when they must be held accountable.
In the next chapter we will discuss long Covid.
Magnificent article and very enlightening. It is evident that there are people with the evil intention of deceiving the world. I wonder if they are humans or are they hybrids? How can they collaborate with the destruction of the human species?
The difference between graphene oxide and PEG hydrogel is clear. Very cleverly they talk about other hydrogels by filing patents that have nothing to do with PEG. I wonder why people who read them don't realize this deception.
One again, an excellent summary of the "details". I concluded years ago that man made hydrogels event in similar fashion to Biofilms. >>>
We were warned decades ago regarding self assembling nano-materials such as Graphene and Graphene oxides. >>>
We are now observing the fallout... Viva le Corporation!