In the previous chapter (History of a Genocide - XXI) we were also discussing the excess mortality and the consequences suffered by vaccinated people when they are inoculated with graphene oxide. With this chapter we will close this topic.
With the data on the table, it is evident that there is a clear intention to reduce the world population. Injectables, including vaccines, contain graphene oxide and no government has explained why. They will never do it because it would be to recognize the genocide that they have committed. The fact that vaccines continue to be recommended without any judge having ruled on the matter, indicates that an imminent and provoked apocalyptic event is probably expected, which will cause everything above to remain hidden forever, despite the fact that the population is aware from the presence of graphene in the inocula.
Deagel Report
In the old normal, before 2021, there was always population growth. But since 2021 the phenomenon has reversed, with more deaths than births. Furthermore, the infertility rate has dropped sharply due to graphene, and abortions for the same cause have increased.
At this rate and assuming it continues on the same current trajectory, the vast majority of people injected with the vaccine will be dead by 2025. This was also predicted in the population decline graphs published in the Deagel Report.
The Deagel Corporation is a minor branch of American military intelligence, one of many secret organizations that collects data for high-level decision-making and prepares confidential briefings for agencies such as the National Security Agency, the United Nations, and the Bank World.
Deagel is a private online portal that specializes in the analysis of military capabilities of the countries of the world. Its focus is on the evaluation and prediction of demographic, economic data, defense budgets and other key factors.
Deagel collaborates with defense contractors and government agencies such as the CIA, and offers detailed information and projections on different countries, including demographics, GDP, military spending and more. Its reports are a tool used by governments, companies and analysts to make strategic decisions based on reliable and up-to-date information. Deagel, for example, is known to have contributed to a Stratfor report on North Korea.
With this kind of pedigree, Deagel should be seen as a legitimate player in the intelligence community. If so, then it must be assumed that his demographic predictions for 2025, as well as his country-by-country industrial production predictions, are based on strategic assumptions that are shared and well understood by other actors in the intelligence community.
So, what did this company base on in its latest report of 2019 to predict such an overwhelming population decline by 2025? Did they know what was going to happen starting in 2021? When there is a mystery, in La Quina Columna we always say that THEY are behind it, otherwise they would not have predicted so accurately what was going to happen.
This report predicts a 70% reduction in the size of the United States population by 2025. From 327 million inhabitants in 2017, it will drop to 100 million by 2025.
Approximately the same previous percentage is planned in Europe for 2025. In my country, Spain, the reduction reaches almost 50%. It is very possible that all these figures could be met. Figures that were already written in The Georgia Stones (cited in the previous chapter), where it is proposed to reduce the population so that there are only 500 million inhabitants. This would imply a sacrifice of approximately 7 billion people, which would represent a reduction of 93% of the world's population.
It's hard to believe that someone in his position would make such a forecast. There is no logical business reason for it, especially since it was made before COVID hysteria gripped the world. This strains the reader's credulity.
Attorney Todd Callender, CEO of a large insurance group, warns that excess mortality and “all types of diseases” are skyrocketing among people “fully vaccinated” against COVID-19.
Callender spoke via video call about how excess mortality increased by 84%, while excess disease increased by 1100%. In 2022 alone, he said, his company expected a 5000% increase in deaths, thanks to the Covid vaccine. Let's look at Todd's statements.
If what Todd says is added to the official VAERS data, multiplying this by 100, adding some 2.95 million expected deaths, the result is 28,405,732 total deaths in 2022 in the United States. At this rate, all those inoculated will disappear by 2025.
Although it is true that the population is declining in all countries, Deagel's predictions can only be associated with a significant reduction in population in the Western world. It is not symmetrical in all countries. In this map you can see the Deagel prediction displayed by color.
Let's look at some population data provided by the Deagel report for 2025, in its last estimate before being deleted from the website itself.'s 2025 population forecast was removed from their website in April 2021. It was very obvious to leave this information after what was happening in the world. But there is a copy on the website, which you already know is a window to the internet's past1.
Since Deagel has been around since 2015, the Department of Defense (DoD) guy who runs it seems to have known for at least a long time that there was going to be a pandemic, and that many, if not all, of the people who were “vaccinated” "they will soon die." Deagle always had the forecast in 2025. The numbers may have fluctuated, but the date never did.
In addition, the UN also predicted that the working-age population, between 25 and 64 years old, would decline sharply from 20252.
In Spain, the population reduction has been clearly seen according to the people of voting age registered in 2023, comparing them with the previous 2019 elections.
If the number of voters and abstentions is added, these data can be compared. There are almost two million fewer people of voting age than in the previous elections. We are talking about an age range of 18 years and older. But if we consider that the deaths of vaccinated people between 0 and 17 years of age have also been alarming, this figure is much higher.
NASA Report
Another report that is also in the previous line is known as the NASA Report. The document is called Future Strategic Issues/Future Warfare [Circa 2025]. The future is now. It was developed in 2001 by Dennis Bushnell, chief scientist at NASA. In reality, it is a document prepared by the United States Department of Defense that aims to analyze possible future scenarios on strategic and war issues for the year 2025. The document was published on the official NASA site. It is nothing less than a declaration of war against humanity.
The document appears to be a guide to the future after 2001, where it talks about hackable human potential, Graphene Quantum Dots and the COVID Transhumanist Quantum Agenda. Bushnell showed interest in the use of advanced materials, such as graphene.
This globalist elite, following the orders of others, is determined to separate our soul from our body using graphene. Their goal is to transform humanity into biological computing systems to process complex algorithms and operate as a submissive slave class. Once we are interconnected, free will will disappear completely.
In this fascinating interview with Deborah Tavares in 2013, the plan to eliminate the population in 2025 is discussed. You can see it by clicking here.
I leave the document here in pdf.
Relevant Perspectives
The scientific journal The Lancet, which we know belongs to certain interest groups, also contributes to claims about the depopulation of the Planet. In a new study published in March 2024 in this journal, it shows that the number of births in the world will not exceed the number of deaths, which will lead to a gradual reduction in the world's population. According to data from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington, published in the scientific journal The Lancet, a significant demographic change is expected in the coming years, a decrease in the world population3.
Throughout history, vaccines have been used as biological weapons that, under the appearance of being "the greatest achievement of humanity", have been a form of deception by the ruling class to poison the population and enrich the industry. pharmaceutical.
In this context, it is essential to consider the perspective of a health professional, such as Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, a retired Thai-German microbiologist. He points out in his latest study that the organs of dead 'vaccinated' people show autoimmune attack and are the cause of 93% of deaths in vaccinated people.
Some brave politicians have denounced this from the beginning, few have declared the existence of graphene oxide, and instead have chosen to say that vaccines cause death, thus camouflaging the truth. In any case, we must recognize the courage of Andrew Bridgen, Member of the English Parliament, who made these statements in March 2023.
We must also admire the statements of Dr. Mike Yeadon, retired pharmacist and former president of Pfizer, he is another person who has been fighting against this Genocide. In this intervention he affirms that we are in the middle of the greatest crime in history, and he is absolutely right.
After seeing all this data in these last three chapters, it is implausible to find Fact Checkers news like the following in all parts of the world: It is false that the COVID-19 vaccines produced a “large number of sudden deaths in young people and healthy” (February 11, 2024)4
Or hiding the true cause of deaths, graphene:
How covid can cause premature deaths years later5.
The symptom of persistent Covid that can affect when doing sports6
The deaths are so numerous today that they continue to camouflage them, in this case, due to flu: The flu overwhelms funeral homes: up to four days of waiting to bury a family member (March 11, 2024)7
As we all know that vaccines are graphene implants, finding statements from certain politicians such as that of Jacinta Ardern, Prime Minister of New Zealand, offends us to the depths of our being: “The side effects that people experience with vaccines, that we all hope, are a sign that the vaccine is doing what it should.” Of course the vaccine does what it should, its function is to make you sick and kill.
The truly scandalous statements that we have witnessed in the last 4 years are those of Yuval Noah Harari, an Israeli historian and writer and advisor to the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab's right-hand man.
TED director Chris Anderson interviewed this Davos Forum advisor in August 2022. Pay close attention to these statements and listen to how he considers humans useless. Of course the eugenic idea is running through his head.
To which I ask myself, what are you? Aren't you human? He speaks as if everything he says doesn't apply to him. Hearing these statements and seeing the reptilian face he has, anyone can think that he is not human. Look how everything has changed in this new normal, in the old normal, given these statements, this person (or thing) would have already been admitted to a psychiatric hospital.
In this other intervention you will hear how interested the elite are in monitoring what happens under our skin, something they have treacherously achieved with the introduction of an interface to the majority of the population. He even goes much further when he states that the free will of humans will no longer exist.
Here's another intervention from him in 2020, talking about how humans are already hackable. Of course, they are with a liquid interface that has been injected into the world.
The negative influence of Fact Checkers and False Dissent on this Genocide has been devastating. Their behavior is comparable to that of the Mayan priests who promoted sacrifices. We must also include the governments themselves that have imposed a deadly vaccine.
Someone asked in the previous chapter how it is possible that these people continue to walk freely through the streets. It is incomprehensible how these people remain free, since they have contributed to the murder of millions of innocent people by promoting a vaccine full of graphene oxide. It is time for them to fear the wrath of society as they continue their destructive actions. We must go out into the street and call these people by name, as is happening in Italy. In this video, former Health Minister Roberto Speranza, who imposed vaccinations in Italy, can no longer move without police protection. The Italians wait for him everywhere and shout "Murderer" at him.
In the next chapter we will see the very controversial statements of a very peculiar figure.
When Deborah Tavares presented the NASA war document "The Future is Now" in 2013, most thought it was a hoax or at the very least a highly speculative bit of fiction.
Smart Meters Murder dot com details frequencies used to target 'the enemy' - i.e us.
How do the elite shield themselves: according to Tavares, they have chip mechanisms that fend of EMF; and of course they are experimenting with transhumanism
1954 Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars doc rolled out at Bilderberg.
My goodness, the ends to which these psychotic monsters have reached and planned for further devastation! I appreciate your work so very much and the videos shared here- impressive! I hope and continue to pray for humanity. Thank you!