In the previous chapter (History of a Genocide - XX) we were discussing the excess mortality that there was and is in the world as a result of vaccination in 2021, as well as the consequences of injecting graphene into the body. In this chapter we are going to continue with this same topic, given its vital importance, revealing even more worrying data.
On several occasions I have told you how the misinformation media has tried to hide deaths from covid vaccines with absurd excuses. In La Quinta Columna (LQC) we analyzed hundreds of news stories every night, aimed at an audience with a certain intellectual level, since no one in LQC believed all those lies invented to justify deaths, from climate change to problems sleep, uneven ears, finger size, any common drinks, infusions or even olive oil. Recently, in broadcast 579 of the LQC Live on April 1, 2024, Ricardo comments on this news:
In these four years of vaccination we were also able to see many cases of people who visited a dentist and died suddenly. We already know that dental anesthetics contain graphene. If the person who goes to the dentist is previously vaccinated with several Covid doses, and you add another dose, that of anesthesia, the resulting cocktail will be deadly. Let's look at some cases.
15-year-old boy dies during dental procedure at Puerto Montt clinic (May 12, 2023)1
20-year-old man went to the dentist to pull a tooth and died (April 19, 2023)2
A neighbor and captain of Bueu dies after sedating him to remove a tooth in Vigo (March 8, 2024)3
A seven-year-old boy dies after going to the dentist for a toothache (January 5, 2023)4
A man suffers a heart attack in a dental clinic in Castellón (October 5, 2021)5
In 2022, cases of "mysterious" hepatitis in children began to be reported and doctors did not know why, blaming a non-existent adenovirus instead of graphene. It happened in all countries. In this news it was the UK government itself that includes research into the higher than usual rates of liver inflammation (hepatitis) in children across the UK.
Hepatitis (liver inflammation) cases in children – latest updates (6 de abril de 2022)6
In Spain the same thing happened:
The Ministry of Health asks the autonomies to actively search for cases of hepatitis of unknown origin in children7
We know that graphene is mutagenic and therefore another of the consequences that we have seen in those vaccinated are cancers of all kinds, especially turbo-cancer. Oncologists are baffled by the appearance of unusual, fulminant cancers in multiple organs, as well as the recurrence of cancer in patients who had overcome it. The situation is so serious that even children are being diagnosed with cancer. We were promised that cancer would be eradicated by the year 2000, but in reality it has increased. This was another lie of the many we have been fed over time.
In Spain it is predicted that half of the children born now will suffer from cancer. In this sense, this news is clear about what is happening:
50% of men and 30% of women will have cancer by 2030 (February 4, 2023)8
In April 2022, computer science professor Rodrigo Ambrocio published a very important correlational statistical study in Guatemala, titled “Scheduled Deaths with Covid-19 Vaccine?”, and known as the Guatemala Report. This study collects, verifies and correlates data for more than two years, with the aim of showing patterns between vaccination dates and death dates in doctors vaccinated with Covid. If we consider this data in relation to the general population, and not just doctors, we can understand the magnitude of this problem.
The Fifth Column issued this report at the time and we were commenting on it. There is a preliminary study and a more complete definitive study. This is what Dr. Wilfredo Stokes Baltazar from Guatemala said about this study:
There is no other possibility, they died because the vaccine is a poison. Same batch, same date of inoculation and same time of death. They bet with their skin and lost. 2022, year of DEATH.
If you don't understand this and continue getting vaccinated, wait for your destiny, there is nothing we can do for you, YOU HAVE ALREADY MADE YOUR DECISION.
Dr. Wilfredo is a great doctor from Guatemala. He is one of the doctors in the world who has denounced graphene in vaccines. He has collaborated with La Quinta Columna from the beginning. Humanity is also indebted to him.
Let's see this first video summary that he made of a preliminary report of this statistical study, which only covers 2021.
Later, the study was expanded with data up to the year 2022. Let's watch this video summary.
In this statistical study it is proven that there is a pattern that is not casual and that is repeated between doctors vaccinated on the same day or nearby days and die on the same day or in close time intervals. It is as if the vaccines were programmed so that those people who are inoculated with a specific batch die practically on the same day or week. You can download the complete study translated into English at the following link.
In all countries there have been excess deaths that no government has explained. However, the disinformation media - spokespersons for the governments - have justified these deaths with stupidity.
So, can we know exactly how many vaccinated people have died since 2021? We will never know, because all governments lie when they give figures. They already did it at the beginning in 2020. But we can make a very accurate estimate according to official reports and independent researchers. I am going to base myself on the data provided in an article by Ejercito Remanente from April 20239.
As of April 2023, it was estimated that there were BILLION dead vaccinated people (murdered would be the correct term) since 2021. As of today, we can calculate that this figure has doubled, and possibly tripled.
For years, the globalist elite has been telling us about their plans to depopulate the Earth from 8 billion people to just 500 million. I have not made this fact up, it was inscribed on the Georgia Stones, a granite monument erected in 1979 by an unknown person with the pseudonym R.C. Christian (perhaps from the Rosicrucian lodge), in Elbert County, Georgia (United States), and that due to the Covid Project another unknown person dynamited part of this monument. Images from the monument's own surveillance cameras circulated on the Internet.
Taking into account the permanent surveillance that exists on monuments, do you really believe that unknown Christian radicals were responsible for the explosion? Being knowledgeable about the technology of the CIA and its satellites, which can see everything that happens in the world, how is it possible that they have not found the culprit? It is yet another mystery that makes us question who is behind all this. When there is a mystery, there is always THEIR hand behind it.
Over the years, the idea of reducing the population has been around and appears to be a plan that has been in the making for a long time. Unfortunately, most people have preferred to ignore these issues and pretend that everything is fine. However, the days of pretending are quickly coming to an end.
How do we know that depopulation is one of the main objectives? You just need to look at the deaths caused by the so-called Covid vaccines. Also the transhumanism that Schwab addresses this topic, managing to unite physical and biological identity with machines, something they are already doing with injections. In recent years the Davos crowd has become so arrogant that they can't stop telling us about their depopulation plans. They can hardly hide their enthusiasm for their diabolical plans. They have taken control of our political system, creating a single party and rigging elections against anyone who dares to oppose the New World Order. They are now taking control of the food supply as the next phase of global domination. (WEF Orders Governments To Start Limiting Food To Fight Climate Change)10.
According to official statistics, in January 2020 there were 7.84 billion people on Earth. The United Nations reported that the world population will eclipse the 8 billion mark in November 2022.
There have been 40 million births and 20 million deaths, for a net population growth of 20 million so far in 2023, according to the same source.
The only people who believe any of those official statistics also believe that men are really women, that pedophilia is love, and that vaccines are safe and effective.
So what's really going on here? Let's look at the facts.
1. Most countries reported record excess deaths and record low births in 2021 and 2022
Governments are in the business of lying, particularly about crime and population statistics to suit agendas. But do they really expect us to believe that the world's population continues to grow, reaching record levels, even though almost every country in the world is reporting record deaths and record low births?
We will never know the real numbers regarding excess deaths worldwide due to injections until the naked eye observations begin to speak for themselves. But here is a list of countries that reported record excess deaths and record low births in 2021 and 2022:
Japan: 1.58 million deaths in 2022, the most since World War II
New Zealand: 38,574 deaths in 2022, the most since 1918
Australia: record births and record deaths in 2021
UK: Use of temporary morgues across country due to 'sharp rise in excess deaths'
Netherlands: more deaths than births in 2022: first time since 1900
Germany: Virtually zero excess deaths in 2020, then numbers soar in 2021
Nova Scotia (Canada): “An unexpectedly high number of people die”
Philippines: 768,504 deaths in 2021, the highest number in a year since 1945.
That is just a small sample of what reality presents. Additionally, Norway, Italy and Japan experienced record low births in 2022. In other words, many people die and few are born.
The United States has done the same as the rest of the countries, it has also manipulated the figures. But if we follow the Harvard Pilgrim standard of multiplying VAERS vaccine deaths by 100 to get a more accurate overall picture, then at least 3.5 million Americans have died from the shots since 2021. That's a glut. 125,000 deaths per month.
2. There is no way to know what is really happening in China and India
World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab called China a “role model” for other countries. The “role model” country has public Jumbotron screens that instantly shame anyone caught committing trivial infractions, including jaywalking. Your social credit is also degraded for this reason or if you are not a good citizen.
China is like a very creepy real life dystopian movie. You literally cannot function in that country as a human being without a QR code and vaccines. People's faces are constantly scanned and various WeChat apps track their every move.
Everything purchased in China is done through a central bank digital currency (CBDC) and a QR code linked to your social credit account. Note that the US is just a few months away from testing its own pilot CBDC.
Chinese police regularly stop people on the street, take their phones for VPNs, Facebook and other “illegal” banned apps. If they find something that is illegal - for them - they take it away with consequences in some cases of not being able to buy something to eat, and in the worst case, arrest. The elite is determined to implement these authoritarian tactics in the West in the coming years.
The same goes for India. People literally drop dead for seconds there. India and China represent more than 35% of all humanity. India began injecting its population in January 2021. As of March 2023, 95% of Indians over the age of 12 have received at least one vaccine.
In April 2021, trucks loaded with bodies being transported to morgues were so full that bodies were falling from the trucks onto the roads. In Delhi, someone died every five minutes that month, according to a report11.
Athletes have been dropping like flies in unprecedented numbers with heart problems since 2021.
US public schools have seen record declines in enrollment since 202012.
Anyway, the globalist elite wants you to believe that the world's population increased from 7.8 billion in January 2020 to 802.8 billion today, even though almost every country reported record excess deaths and record low births in that period of time. Not to mention the polio vaccine and the famine genocides in Africa. They really have no problem insulting people's intelligence to ensure that their narrative ("the population is growing") remains in the code and is consistent.
Don't forget, for the elites, bad is good. They hate humanity and want to replace the vast majority of us with a class of subservient AI bots. That's why the injections are causing mass deaths. But you will never hear about this in the mainstream media.
Of course, the sheep have been cornered into a mass training psychosis, and they will refuse to listen to you if you try to talk sense into them on any of these topics. According to the mainstream in 2023, obesity is healthy. Vaccines are not causing people to collapse and die. And abortion is love.
George Orwell warned us about these times. He said they would convince us that war is peace. How right he was!!
In the next chapter we will return to this topic again with much more worrying data.
And what data shown in these last two chapters could be worse? If what we see is death everywhere!!
I'm looking forward to reading the new chapter with those more worrying data.
Now I am aware of the seriousness of this whole situation. This has nothing to do with politics. This is much deeper. What a disaster for humanity!! And nobody moves.