In the previous chapter (History of a Genocide - XIX) we were discussing the issue of the dangers involved in incorporating insect food into our diet, from which high-quality graphene is extracted. A disgusting act IMPOSED by the elite with a clear purpose of introducing more graphene into human biology.
In this chapter we will address excess mortality and the consequences of the Covid vaccine, topics that we have already discussed in previous chapters, such as when we looked at magnetism and the production of MAC addresses, or indirectly when we were exploring the toxicity of graphene and harm that it can cause if administered to people. Given the length of the topic, I will divide it into three parts so as not to overwhelm the reader. Despite my efforts to summarize the information, the amount of data available makes it difficult not to go on too long.
In addition to magnetism and MAC addresses, vaccinated people produce a noticeable electric field that can be measured with devices. Many videos have emerged on the internet about it. I personally verified this with my father by bringing an electromagnetic meter to him, the electric field went off. Despite arguing a lot with my brothers, I couldn't save him.
During his last days in the hospital, I checked this again. After the fourth dose, she lost her mind and no longer recognized anyone. I knew that the graphene had penetrated her neurons, causing inflammation. The electromagnetic device I have has a function to detect if there is any WiFi or Bluetooth transmission, collecting only binary data. Every time I placed it on my father's head, it collected binary data like it was a router.
In the hospital he was constantly administered serum, the same one that I had analyzed under a microscope to detect the presence of graphene. Also other types of injectables that we all know are contaminated with graphene. It was about time. A few weeks later he died.
The phenomenon of binary data emission also occurred with another elderly patient who also shared a room with my father, but in this case it occurred in his chest.
Since 2021, a significant increase in the number of deaths has been observed compared to 2020, deaths of vaccinated people who were assumed to have "antibodies against a non-existent virus." Although no government has officially confirmed that these additional deaths are related to the experimental vaccines, daily cases of sudden deaths, arrhythmias, strokes and accelerated cancer caused by the graphene oxide present in the vaccines have been reported. It is surprising how most of us know someone who has died from the vaccine, which highlights the seriousness of the situation.
The next consequence we saw from 2021 was that vaccinated people died suddenly. I have never seen something similar in my life. My parents told me many years ago that they heard of a case. But since 2021, sudden deaths, both in adults, children and young people, have occurred daily. It's alarming! In the fifth Column we coined a term for this: “repentinitis” (in English it could be something like this: suddenitis). In these 3 years we have seen thousands of cases of all kinds published in the media, especially in athletes.
The media hides the term arrhythmias with that of heart attacks, but it is not the same, and any doctor knows it. When you have a heart attack there are always symptoms such as pain in the arm, dizziness, etc., for several minutes and there is time to go to the hospital. But what we are seeing is that people are calmly walking down the street, falls off and dying.
And we know why this happens. Graphene impregnated in the heart creating its own electrically conductive medium. When charged with external energy, such as antennas or Wi-Fi, it creates a shock that stops the heart. That is why in the fifth Column we talk about the environmental theory of Covid 19, since graphene and antennas go hand in hand.
Let's look at this example of a Spanish boy, probably graphened, who falls to the ground dead when faced with a shock from a telephone antenna. The antenna impulse is recorded on the camera, a weak signal can be seen on it at the 13rd second.
Some time ago I made a video for my Telegram channel following a study1 dated September 2022, which revealed that mobile phone signals could be used to release biological or chemical loads of graphene oxide that are introduced into the body. human through injections.
Let's watch the video and as in all the images the same pattern is repeated:
Person who spins and collapses.
There is always a mobile phone in her hand.
All were recorded by surveillance cameras.
It is intriguing to see the large number of videos in which people appear to look up, turn, and then collapse. From La Quinta Columna we consider that it is likely that neuromodulation tests are being carried out on individuals inoculated with graphene, given that this material, already infiltrated into the neurons, facilitates the insertion of images as we have seen in the scientific literature. Let's watch another video that illustrates this theory forcefully.
The aftermath that graphene has left on people can be counted in thousands around the world, many videos circulated on social networks. Irrecoverable aftermath in most cases, where suffering will be present in the lives of these people.
In the following link you will find three shocking videos that I have not included in this article because it may offend people's sensibilities, but that are available for download for those who wish to see them. You can access them here.
Later, we were very struck by the appearance of the babies that were born to fully vaccinated couples. One of the common features was the eyes, where there is hardly any sclera, it was almost completely black, in the style of gray aliens. The next thing that draws attention is that babies just 1 day after being born already fix their gaze perfectly, they even held their head perfectly and at two months they are already walking. Something that is not normal, is not human.
It is evident that there is some type of genetic mutation in these children. Curiously, in Chile, a law was passed in 2022 known as the mutant law (Law Law No. 21,422 in 2022), which aims to prohibit employment discrimination based on mutations or genetic alterations. It is striking that the law was approved after the vaccines.
Let's watch this video made by RADIO TOP 21 in which a video of Dr. Viviana Brunet is shown commenting on cases of children born to parents vaccinated before conception. Also mentioned is a case of a friend of the commentator whose grandson, who is only 6 weeks old, is already running through the hallways with a hallway runner, something unusual. Both the doctor and the commentator agree that this IS NOT HUMAN.
Since we have talked about Dr. Viviana Brunet, a Mexican doctor, it must be said that since the beginning she has been fighting against this whole farce, she has collaborated many times with La Quinta Columna and has publicly denounced graphene oxide in vaccines. Once again, humanity owes a lot to this doctor.
It is in the sports field where the phenomenon of sudden deaths due to graphene has been most notably observed. This is especially evident on television, since the sudden deaths of millions of anonymous people are not usually shown in traditional media, except in some alternative news media. Since 2021, La Quinta Columna opens the program with a count of some deaths.
Until 2021, no politician has commented in the media on the strange situation we are experiencing. Before that year, elite athletes were considered privileged due to their enviable vascular system, a product of the intense exercise they performed. An example of this was Miguel Induráin, the renowned Spanish cyclist, who stood out for his incredible cardiovascular capacity, demonstrated, among other things, by his low heart rate at rest, reaching up to 32 per minute.
We are talking about elite athletes whose cardiovascular performance is enviable thanks to their dedication to the sport. However, since 2021 we have seen a change in this, as vaccinated athletes are suffering health problems, including sudden death. This is due to the presence of graphene in vaccines, which can cause an alternating electrical shock to the heart when activated, which can lead to sudden collapse. Therefore, it is important that athletes or anyone vaccinated or injected with graphene avoid intense physical activity.
The misinformation media has disguised these arrhythmias as heart attacks, but heart attacks, and doctors know this, have other symptoms. There is always time to go to the hospital.
Those athletes who did not die suddenly suffered myocarditis, pericarditis, stroke or cancer. Let's see some videos of the hundreds that circulated on the networks.
In this video from La Quinta Columna, several news stories in the year of the vaccine are shown in which the term "sudden death" is mentioned. These are just some examples of the sudden deaths that have occurred, especially in my country, and if we extrapolate it to the rest of the world for 3 years we can imagine the number of sudden deaths that there have been and will continue to be.
This short belongs to a documentary dated November 2022. The documentary is called "Died Suddenly" and has been produced by the American company The Stew Peters Network. It is one more documentary of the many made alternatively in the world about this Genocide. In it he tells of the surprising sudden deaths that we have been seeing since 2021.
This other video was also widely spread on networks, titled "Immunized for life", in which some famous actors and actresses appear.
Another one with famous people.
These two images explain very well the world we live in. Athletes die suddenly but FactCheckt deny it.
Many independent newspapers warned of what was happening, most of them justified the deaths by other causes. This news warned of the increase in sudden deaths in October 2023:
Alert for increase in sudden deaths: cases have multiplied in three years (October 20, 2023)2
The executive director of the Cardiovascular Health Commission, Laura Garré, said that cardiovascular diseases were the leading cause in both women and men.
This other news3 says "Red alert: Increase in sudden death in young people, what is it attributed to?" And if you read the news they justify these deaths with previously undiagnosed heart diseases. Of course, before, young people didn't die suddenly until everything started in 2021, right?
And here is a small summary of this type of news from 2021 to 2023, which will not even reach 0.1% of reality:
6000% increase in vaccine deaths reported in Q1 2021 compared to Q1 2020 (March 11, 2021)4
Hungary, the country with the highest vaccination rate in the EU, breaks the record for daily deaths from COVID, the pieces are falling into place (April 4, 2021)5
London City Council publishes contract to seek storage of bodies for cases of “excess deaths” in the next four years. (June 20, 2021)6
Dr. Portillo: All vaccinated people will sooner or later have coagulation disorders. (November 5, 2021)7
Autopsies show that 93% of inoculated people have died from vaccines (January 18, 2022)8
“I’ve Never Seen as Many Deaths.. It’s Around a 500 or 600% Increase” – Funeral Director in UK Reveals Increasing Number of Thrombosis Death in Vaccinated Young Adults (Jan. 28, 2022)9
UPDATE: A Jaw-Dropping 769 Athletes have Collapsed While Competing Over The Past Year – “Avg. Age of Players Suffering Cardiac Arrest is JUST 23 (Apr. 8, 2022)10
More than 23,000 children 'died suddenly' across Europe after the approval of the COVID vaccine. (Of course, they will never admit that the Covid-19 vaccine is to blame. It would be too damaging to the establishment if this happened). (November 25, 2022)11
The British are dying by the tens of thousands and they say it is the heat and because they are old and fat (May 15, 2023)12
Pfizer lied & 1 Million Germans Died in less than a year due to Covid Vaccine-Induced Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome according to Secret Government Data (July 16, 2023)13
Cardiologists concerned about the “alarming increase in deaths” of young people due to heart attacks (September 4, 2023)14
"Alarming” rise in UK stillbirths and babies dying within weeks of being born reverses eight-year trend. (14 de septiembre de 2023)15
Three parents report to Health for the sudden death of their children after receiving the covid vaccine. Juan José, Marvelous and Daniel were 12, 13 and 14 years old, respectively, when they died suddenly while playing sports (September 22, 2023)16
“Turbo Cancers” Are Decimating Young Doctors: 54 Cases Examined. (29 de septiembre de 2023)17
It was outrageous to see how the CRIMINAL disinformation media normalized deaths from vaccines so as not to alert the population, or justified the excess of deaths with absurd things like those presented in this video of a live broadcast of La Quinta Columna, from October 2, 2022. You have to be miserable to do something like that!!
The deaths that we witnessed daily did not only come from adults, they also affected children and young people. Is it common to see children suffer strokes or die suddenly? Since 2021, this sad reality had become the new normal.
The situation was even more serious for children, since in addition to the covid vaccines, they also had to receive the vaccines from the children's calendar that contained graphene, thus increasing the risk to their health. This was reflected in news such as the following:
Childhood vaccines, the more doses administered, the greater the mortality. (August 2, 2023)18
Faced with this situation, the media misinformed by stating that the myocarditis was mild, when in reality any cardiologist can confirm that both myocarditis and pericarditis are serious injuries to the heart; the damaged tissue cannot be recovered. This can significantly reduce the life expectancy of the affected person, even requiring a heart transplant in most cases. Dr. Scott Jensen warned about the dangers of myocarditis in children in a video that we must take into account.
I remember live 172, from October 2021, from La Quinta Columna live, which commented on the normalization after the stroke vaccine in children and babies. Since when have children had strokes? It is curious how the misinformation media normalized this pathology in children when it has never been normal in them. In this way, news like this appeared: Children also have strokes, (October 29, 2021)19.
Or this other news from another misinformation medium where it appears normalizing arrhythmias in children: Arrhythmias can also affect children: they usually begin between 8 and 15 years old.20
In this other video, Dr. Chris Shoemaker states that 100% of people who have had 2 Covid injections suffer heart damage. And to affirm this, it is supported by the report21 by Dr. Takehiro Nakahara, from the Department of Radiology at the Keio University Faculty of Medicine, in Tokyo, where 700 vaccinated people were compared with 303 unvaccinated people.
Like many other doctors, Dr. Chris was suspended in the summer of 2023, alleging that he made false claims about vaccines. Let's watch the video where, as if affected, he shows his concern at the end.
And finally, what better way to do it with several press clippings where we see the absurd excuses and justifications for the excess mortality of those vaccinated. Of course, it is news aimed at other people with a certain intellectual level, since none of us could believe what was said in it. Well, they justified arrhythmias, sudden deaths, cancer, etc. with excuses such as having a certain size of fingers, drinking drinks that are normally drunk, sleeping a lot, sleeping little, because of the heat, because of the cold, having one ear bigger than the other. , etc. The image is translated into English.
In the next chapter we will continue commenting on excess mortality with even more alarming data.
What a massacre!! A very dark future awaits us. I can not imagine. And this is only the beginning.
What surprised me the most are the mutant children. It's amazing! It's scary to look into those black eyes. And after 1 day they are already holding their heads, I can't believe it!!! They are definitely not human. They are destroying the human species.
What are they turning us into? Sudden deaths cannot be ignored. How many people are vaccinated in the world? 80%?
I wonder, if there are 80% of people vaccinated, we are the majority. So why are these doctors who recommended a vaccine, knowing it was killing people, happily walking the streets? Or the lying journalists, or the False Dissidence. What are they doing walking freely through the streets? All of this that graphene hides for other things. And what about the politicians? We have to point the finger at them when we see them on the street and call them murderers. They don't have to feel safe when they walk down the streets.