The Great Reset is an initiative proposed by the World Economic Forum in response to the economic, social and health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Announced in June 2020, its "apparent" focus is to address the deep and structural global inequalities and challenges that have been highlighted and aggravated during the pandemic.
The World Economic Forum’s Great Reset is a concept that, at first glance, may seem like a necessary response to the current crises plaguing our society, such as the pandemic, economic inequality and climate change. However, behind this façade of renewal and improvement, lies a deeply worrying agenda: the radical transformation of our economies and societies under the guise of sustainability and equity. Presented as a solution to our problems, this plan may actually lead to unprecedented control over human lives, as major economic and political powers seek to reconfigure power structures in their favour, leaving citizens deprived of true autonomy.
Moreover, the link between the Great Reset and the 2030 Agenda goes beyond a mere coincidence, it manifests itself as an instrument to implement policies that limit our individual freedoms in the name of “sustainability”. In this scenario, the freedoms we hold so dear could be sacrificed on the altar of an economic system that prioritizes control and surveillance over human well-being. It is therefore essential that we reflect on the implications of this Reset and question who it really benefits. History has shown that drastic changes often come disguised as dreamed progress, and the future of our humanity could be at stake if we do not inform ourselves and act accordingly.
In an article1 published on the official website of the International Economic Forum, dated June 2, 2020, entitled "Now is the time for a 'great reset”, it is clear on this point. They use the pandemic as an excuse to remind us of the economic crisis we are suffering. Pandemic and virus created by this elite to make it easier to achieve their Agenda 2030.
Every year, the International Economic Forum or Davos Forum brings together eminent politicians, financiers, journalists, etc. in Davos, Switzerland. While the Bilderberg Club meetings are held privately and secretly, the Davos meetings are more accessible to the public. However, Davos can be considered to act as an extension of the Bilderberg Club, where some of the topics already discussed and approved at its secret meetings are finalized and fine-tuned.
Great intuition is required to understand the concept of the Great Reset. Resetting implies abandoning what is being done and restarting from scratch. It is not simply about solving the world's problems, but about starting a new beginning. This is the background of the famous New World Order.
In the article published in the Davos Forum on June 2, 2020, he tells us the following:
To achieve a better outcome, the world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions. Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. In short, we need a “Great Reset” of capitalism…
…Left unaddressed, these crises, together with COVID-19, will deepen and leave the world even less sustainable, less equal, and more fragile. Incremental measures and ad hoc fixes will not suffice to prevent this scenario. We must build entirely new foundations for our economic and social systems.
The article concludes with the three main components of the Great Reset agenda.
In the promotional video for the Great Reset, which the Davos Forum is proud to present to the public, there is a statement that does not correspond to reality. It mentions that “the world has changed,” but that statement is misleading. It is not that the world has changed by itself; it is you who have transformed it in your own image and likeness. We have not requested this change. It is important to be clear that it is you who are driving it.
This Great Reset really benefits big business and not people. We see how Bill Gates, the fourth richest person in the world, contributes generously by giving large amounts of money to the WHO, World Monetary Fund, World Economic Forum, etc. Organizations created by the select Bilderberg Club, to which Bill is invited.
Have you ever wondered why he has been buying land in the US for some years? From IT, to pharmacy and now landowner. He has become the person with the most land suitable for farming in the US, he owns almost 100,000 hectares. What is he going to plant?
When you look at the World Economic Forum's Food Agenda, you are left with no doubts. There is a plan to transform the global food and agricultural industry and the human diet. The architects of the plan claim that it will reduce food shortages, hunger. They intend to control the food system using technological solutions.
The Great Reset is intended to encompass everything. Its member organisations include major players in data collection, telecommunications, weapons manufacturing, finance, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and the food industry.
And here’s the interesting part. The WEF’s plans for “resetting” food and agriculture include projects and strategic partnerships that favor genetically modified organisms, lab-made proteins, and pharmaceuticals and industrial chemicals as sustainable solutions to food and health problems.
For example, the WEF has promoted and partnered with an organization called the EAT Forum. The EAT Forum describes itself as a “Davos for food” that plans to “add value to business and industry” and “set the political agenda.”
EAT collaborates with nearly 40 city governments in Europe, Africa, Asia, North America, South America, and Australia.
EAT developed a diet it refers to as “the planetary health diet,” which the WEF champions as the “sustainable dietary solution of the future.” The diet aims to reduce the world's population's meat and dairy intake by up to 90% in some cases and replace it with laboratory-made foods, cereals and oil.
So they want to feed, or rather kill, the population with genetically modified products, with products manufactured in laboratories that will modify our genetics knowing that these products are very harmful to our body.
Once again, we can understand this whole policy if we consider Factor E as a central element. In the same way that graphene, present in vaccines, is the cause of illness and death, food and related policies are used to generate similar effects on public health. It is clear that this world is not under the control of human beings.
It is crucial to remember that these corporations are only the most visible manifestations of a vast global plot. Above them is the Davos Forum and, even more so, the influential Bilderberg Club.
These entities would have us believe they are in charge, but the forces that really rule the world are invisible, have always operated in the shadows, and may not even be part of our species.
These psychopaths work for THEM, that's why they allow themselves to say and do these things.
They created the pandemic to implant everyone, then create a financial crisis to justify their restart. They think everyone is an idiot, but some of us on this farm realize it.
The policies we see in all countries are along these lines, we are seeing it. And we see it coming quietly without anyone doing anything or saying anything. The politicians are in favour of all this, although in reality they do not command anything, they only receive orders from above.