No Hydrogels? No polymers? Why deny the other substances that can be seen by us all with the most basic microscopy, that is well proven with a blood draw and centrifuging. Something is off here.

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It seems you didn't read the previous chapters. I recommend that you read chapter 26, which deals with PEG hydrogel, the one that carries the vaccines. The False Dissidence criminals try to confuse people with this to try to prevent the truth from being known.

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Removed (Banned)Jul 21
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Jul 21·edited Jul 21Author

If after all the scientific evidence that you have in this substack, after all the scientific evidence here it is said, where prestigious doctors only talk about graphene oxide and have never talked about hydrogels or polymers just like the criminals of the False Dissidence, after the evidence that there is no published study in the world that demonstrates that there is any type of polymer different from the PEG hydrogel and that explains everything about the Covid disease, the position in which you are is also evident .

The evidence puts everyone in their place.

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Jul 21·edited Jul 21Author

It is evident that we got everything right, which is why the False Dissidence has been desperate lately to hide this, to keep the truth from being known, to continue confusing people so that they never know the truth.

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Why did you delete Matt's comment?

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What did Matt say ? share it again please.

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I didn't like the tone and the insults used. Also, looking at my answer you can guess why. The False Dissidence has used the issue of hydrogels to cover up graphene oxide, we already talked about it in chapter 26. It is more than proven.

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What about Dr. Ana Mihalcea's work, David Nixon & Clifford Carnicum?

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where is chapter 26? How do we know you are the ones being truthful? Matt has been honest & upfront as far as I can tell, since the get go.

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If at this point you don't see any difference between those who mess around and those who analyze and publish their work, then we can't help you.

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23Author

I don't know if it is well translated when I talk about liar (to trick" o "to deceive), I am referring to those people who hide the truth by telling other things.

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chapter 26 = XXVI

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Lately we are suffering attacks from False Dissidence. They are attacking us with children's arguments, the two neurons they have do not work well, they cannot argue anything intelligent because they have no evidence, so they rely on lies. We have already been watching this game since 2021. There is no need to despair,

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Jul 21Liked by Cov - Id Project

They can't take the knowledge away from us, but they CAN do other things, such as cut off our food supply-- or attempt to do so-- such as cut off access to our money, or attempt to do so, such as spray more toxins over us from airplanes...

There is still work to do. People MUST somehow be shown what is happening, what has happened, in a way that they can understand it, and most important, BELIEVE it.

We've come to a point where people are so confused and skeptical that they simply don't know who or what to believe.

I have been awake and aware ALL THIS TIME, having spent only a couple or maybe three weeks at the beginning, and I didn't follow their rules, either. Those of us who DO understand have to find a way to enlighten everyone else. The question is, HOW?

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Jul 21·edited Jul 21Author

Dr. Sevillano precisely talked about this in a video. The ruling party, the government, has paid the False Dissidence, which from time to time uses some true argument to hide the truth. In this way, the people who read or see the news that this False Dissidence shows them end up confusing the entire issue of the pandemic, and will not believe the True Dissidence.

Keep telling the truth wherever you can, we know that we cannot do it everywhere since people will reject you, but when you see that someone needs help and you see that they ask for it in some way, start by telling them all this. If you have read all the chapters you will be sufficiently qualified to face it and also with evidence and proof.

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Jul 21Liked by Cov - Id Project

Yeah, I know. It's a helluva thing. But I do believe that the TRUTH will come out, and we WILL stop this and clean up the whole mess. That will take time, but the recognition of the Truth I think will spread FAST. I just feel so USELESS... I want to DO something. And my life is just crumbling all around me, which actually frees me up to be available! Sigh. Well, I am ready to help, however I can.

I think it's great that you're on top of this... Thank God for SPAIN. You're making up for Cortez and Columbus! ^_^ (NOT to single you out... the US has MUCHO to make up for!!!) Mil gracias.

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What is the truth? I'm certainly confused!

There are no hydrogels or polymers, but there is graphene & nanotech?

We know it was placed in the covid shots, & they are spraying the same from the skies, have poisoned our food supply, meds, water & supplements.

But how do we know who is not being truthful.?

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If you have read all the chapters you will know it perfectly. Regarding hydrogels, the PEG hydrogel, the one in the vaccine, has never been denied that it does not exist. To be well informed, read the chapter that deals with hydrogel, although I recommend that you read them all to be well informed.

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Jul 22Liked by Cov - Id Project

I agree.

This is a good tool to get the conversation started.


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I've seen this before. I'm kinda way beyond this level. :)

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Jul 23Liked by Cov - Id Project

I know you are, of course, you asked how to help others see the psyop, I suggested that video freemasonic masterclass proformance, could be a good conversion starter.

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Oh, thanks. I hope I didn't sound snarky-- I get a lot of idiot lessons on SS, LOL!

That performance is creepy as hell. I remember seeing it when it was "fresh"-- goosebumps.

Now here's something for you, my friend... If you're into it. Why govt. needs to GO...

It's a book and a loooong read of the book, by a fellow... So, HOURS. Two days, for me. But oh, the brilliance. You'll like it, I hope.


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Indeed, there are many Masonic signs in the video. Predictive programming. One would have to wonder why they simulated a hospital in some games.

These people or whatever they are, play with human beings making these gestures from time to time, they tell you what they are going to do, but they do it in code.

By the way, I never understood why they had to dance in hospitals when people were dying. I imagine.

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Jul 23Liked by Cov - Id Project

Yes it's strange, it's a war dance I presume, since we are in a war, a silent one, the one they made up and wrote prophesies about to put into our collective consciousness, through religion and education/brainwashing. Could it be?

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Could be. Although I am more inclined to believe that they celebrated the sacrifice (the deaths) of the murdered people. Before they did it at the top of the pyramids, and now in the hospitals

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Jul 21Liked by Cov - Id Project

Has anyone been able to pinpoint the “special server” receiving the data yet?

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In chapter 13 we said something about this when the topic of vaccinated people issuing MAC addresses was discussed.

The only thing we know is what Diego, contributor to the fifth column, investigated, where in the video that appears he confirms that these data are being sent to a domain of a company named Human Identification.

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Jul 21Liked by Cov - Id Project

d a r p a no doubt.

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It is very possible

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Jul 21Liked by Cov - Id Project

I've been smeared, can't get work, losing my housing... It's difficult to do much without any resources or allies here where I live. I have until the 19th of August to leave my current living space. After that, I have a court date in late August over a false accusation of felony assault (yes, ME-- I still can't believe it)... This is all via COURTS, who are sending me documents with MY NAME IN ALL CAPS, they are stealing my parents' assets and putting them into a FACILITY, where they'll surely be killed, because of my brothers' stupidity and greed... In other words, I'm losing what little family I have, can't find work, losing my anchor...

I'm powerless and I'm very p e rrr fe cct for something.

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I'm also a 63 year old gal. :) Unlikely? ha. HA.

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I will work.

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Jul 21·edited Jul 21Author

Courage, trust yourself to find a solution. All the best.

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Jul 21Liked by Cov - Id Project

Thanks. I'm just frustrated. I'll be fine. But I'd like to punch those Globalist jerks right in their noses...

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Jul 21Liked by Cov - Id Project

Thewhyfiles.com has an interesting video on the subject.

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Interesting, it's about the Philadelphia experiment. You already know that since it was something official, just like graphene, they tell us what they want.

Mind control has been studied for decades, now it is very easy with the nanotechnology that has been introduced to the majority. They can induce false memories.

Without knowing exactly where this liquid technology that self-assembles by itself forming more complex structures has come from, in the next chapter, which is quite controversial, we will reveal a possibility, it is necessary to tell it, since it is part of the investigation of The Fifth Column , no matter how science fiction it may seem.

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Jul 26Liked by Cov - Id Project

A Russian hacker made a video where he found his friend's IP from his jab on a website tracking every moment of his activities proving the jabbed are being tracked live action as they say nowadays. It was eye opening and confirmed my choice to never jab. God bless you. Praying for everyone.

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We also discussed this topic. Diego, a hacker, discovered that people's data was being sent to a server belonging to a company called Human Identification.

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Jul 25Liked by Cov - Id Project

Magnificent article, as always. Thank you very much for sharing.

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Jul 26Liked by Cov - Id Project

Deagle Report for depopulation links to all this satanic effort. New subscriber to this substack. Been following other scientists presenting their results of microscopy. Appreciate this article and videos. I will reference them in my own efforts. Unfortunately many many will never accept Truth in front of their faces.

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Yes, we were talking about a previous chapter of the Deagle Report.

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