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Jul 13
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Thank you so much.

I've been reading the abtract. The author's intention is good and gives hope.

When we looked into the microscope, we realized that something was happening here, we discovered that our civilization is not directed by human beings, it has never been directed. Discovering this was liberating, because we understood that man has never been to blame for all the evils that he has suffered, it has been THEM. We call it Factor E (E, ELLOS in Spanish,, THEM in English). We don't know what they are, but it is even written in the Bible about it.

We are not guilty of anything but THEY have always blamed you for everything. Now they do it with climate change, when we know that they spray the skies with deadly substances to change the climate. I'm not making anything up, it's written in public laws in several countries.

They also blamed you for contaminating others with non-existent viruses, when in reality it was THEY who poisoned people with graphene.

They are to blame for all the wars that have ever existed, they have financed both parties and then confronted them. First and Second World Wars, civil wars, always the same story. They are interested in the human being being divided in order to be able to control it better, to continue sacrificing.

They have always made you see that it was for freedom, for justice, for the country, for religion, etc. The Third World War is at the door, that is why now in many European countries they are reintroducing compulsory military service, in order to continue sacrificing innocent human beings who do not know why they are going to war. Before it was very obvious, they told you that you had to die at the top of a pyramid because otherwise the sun would go out. Always deceiving. The gods want blood, several books written with such a title were written.

Soon we will reach a second part of the Investigation of The Fifth Column where we will reveal, perhaps, who is behind our evils.

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I totally agree with your words. The history of humanity is not normal, it is not understood if you do not include the variable of THEM in it. When you enter it, you understand everything. They have always tried to blame human beings for everything, but thanks to you we now know that THEY are to blame for all the evils that there were, are and will be in the world.

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They are very clever at dividing and separating human beings. We have realized this and we no longer allow ourselves to be fooled.

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Yes! Good post, and clearly we are not out of the weeds by ANY stretch...

Now, be sure you have coffee, here's two hours of heavy-duty financial information that will not only piss you off but hopefully rattle your cage enough to realize that the PLAN is to bring on TYRANNY in a huge way, and one very very very powerful weapon is the theft of our money and our land and our possessions... all because we wanted the CONVENIENCE of "digital currency." We'd better get awake about this!!!


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On some occasions I have also written in the comments something about what you say. We plan to talk about this, from the Davos forum they have been betting for a long time on a universal income without doing anything, in the style of China, each person has a digital credit to use, and it is discounted according to the purchases you make and how good a citizen you are. are you.

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It's gonna be like that, only WAY more hellish, and to the death. "Want to eat for the next month? GET THE SHOT." These people are not messing around... these are the people who torture and murder CHILDREN for FUN. We are in the crosshairs, big time. But... We CAN undo them, and... we MUST. Maybe it won't even be all that difficult, since we outnumber them by the BILLIONS...

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Jul 13Edited

I agree, we are majority. Let's start with those who have lied and are lying to people saying that these are vaccines, that there is mRNA, that the damage is caused by hydrogels, etc., all those who do not publicly denounce graphene and do so with absurd things. When they see that they are falling, they will think twice about continuing to receive money from them.

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It's what we believe. Here in Europe, not long ago, there was a debate about making covid vaccines mandatory. They will do them, and now with the WHO treaty it will be easier for them.

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As an American, old school, here's how I respond to mandated medical procedures: FUCK THAT.

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I think the same, but you already know that they want to create a tyrannical system, if you don't get pricked, you don't eat. Without being able to leave the city for 15 minutes, it is difficult. If you live in a town or in the countryside, you are in luck.

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What part of Europe do you live in?

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In WA State, near Canada on the West Coast of US.

So... if you don't get jabbed, you don't eat? The hell with that, since you get jabbed, you DIE. We will need to remain resolute and simply say NO. I'd rather die like that than to die from them killing me with a needle.

If it gets to that, tho, I think a LOT of people, world-wide, will finally "get it" and will stop the insanity. (I pray I'm right about that! Because I would LOVE to visit Spain. xo)

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Very nice attribute to a fine Colonel. Thank you for featuring him, as I was unaware of his contributions. What a badge of honor, to be fired for protecting humanity from a genocide. 🙏

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That's right, in the realm of the Beast with his insatiable thirst for power, he has plunged the world into chaos and destruction. His followers, evil and ruthless beings, spread terror everywhere, looting and destroying everything in their path.

But despite this darkness, there are still those who resist his tyranny. Brave warriors and noble hearts rise against oppression, ready to fight for freedom and justice.

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🙌 Amen! 🙏 And may we be more like tgem, spreading TRUTH!

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Great to read about people with fortitude RQ! I wrote about graphene a couple years ago, but had actually been censored before that. I am from Missouri; the state that I am ashamed to say, lost the recent SCOTUS case on censorship - not the fault of Missouri, but a gutless SCOTUS. https://doctorschierling.com/blog

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Don't be ashamed of Missouri for losing in crooked court by set-up judges who bow to Biden. Be proud of Missouri for taking the President to task ~ and for opening the door to BE BOLD!

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GREAT article on Morgellans! I will absorb it and write on it.

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In this story there have been many brave people who have not hesitated to tell the truth in this corrupt world full of lies.

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Yes; the Fifth Column (LaQuinta Columna) are among those!

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The Fifth Column, truly braves. Thanks to them now the world knows the truth.

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One more brave man in this story. If all those responsible had stood up, we wouldn't be like this now.

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Jul 13
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They may not be corrupted humans, but hybrids, just as there were in the past. No human being would be working now to destroy our species, they would be stupid. Therefore, perhaps they are not human at all.

I don't know if you mean the Elohim, when you say El.

They have been the ones who have designed this world, and they have done it so that there are human sacrifices. We believe that they get something out of suffering, that is why they have convinced you that the population must be reduced.

With an economic policy designed by them, of course this is unsustainable. If they left us alone, this would be a paradise where everyone would have a place.

Perhaps this is a human farm, as Salvador Freixedo once wrote in a book, just as we have rabbit or chicken farms and from time to time we have to sacrifice some to make room, these "gods", who For me they are not, they do the same thing because they get something out of us.

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Jul 13
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We believe that everyone has a place on this planet or whatever that is. They have made us believe that this is not the case, that we must have a population management policy. I don't know to what extent it is true, because we no longer trust what the official world tells us.

And if so, there are plenty of ways to reduce the population with efficient birth control. But not like they are doing now, killing people with vaccines.

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"population control program"=SOFT GENOCIDE.

Carbon poisoning is NOT a problem.

There is plenty of food for everyone .

The problem is the globalists like b. Gates Klaus Schwab and the WEF

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Okay, carbon is not a problem, the problem is graphene oxide.

We believe that this elite that shows its face is part of the problem, they are collaborators in the destruction of the human species, hence we doubt that they are human. We suspect that above there is someone or something that controls this elite and everyone.

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I have been following this information for over three years. I saw the absolutely horrifying video about Dr. Andreas Noack murdered in his laboratory for exposing the kill weapon.

I watched Quinta Columna with their slides and videos about the nanoparticles and the GO in the fraudulent 'vaccines' Then of course others--Dolores Cahill, Dr. Heiko Schoning, World Doctors Aliance,Robert Young, and now we are here...with Dr. Peter McCullough, Doctors4covidethics etc.

Thank you for your work. I just found this website. I am a retired teacher, but I have done what I can--flyers, handouts, emails, talking to all I know...etc.

Don't lose heart. People are waking up....I don't know if the Donald Trump will be a good thing for us.

Got to be better than Biden. Everyone who knows what is going on has the obligation to speak up.

p.s. Reiner Fuellmich is STILL imprisoned! He must be released. Thank you for your work. God is on our side.

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Thank you very much, we have to keep waking up, I still find people after 4 years who don't know anything about all this.

Well, you have already done a lot by distributing leaflets, you have done what should be done, you already belong to the ranks of The Fifth Column. Keep up the good work.

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As I am sure you are aware....President Trump has escaped from a very close brush with death!

This could only have happened by divine intervention.

But as I am sure you know we still have work to do....God Bless You Col and your entire operation

from Kathleen Nathan in North Carolina

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Yes, I am aware of what has happened. I sense that he will be the next president. I have my opinion on this.

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