deletedJul 25Liked by R. Q., Cov - Id Project
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Thanks, very interesting.

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Interesting to correlate the Opening of the Seven Seals with what is going on and what they have planned for us...

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Revelation is a Roman plan. https://francesleader.substack.com/p/the-mother-of-all-false-flag-events

Rome never fell, it simply rebranded and relocated!


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I wouldn't be so sure, you know that THEY set up and remove empires or civilizations. For now, no one has explained how and why the Roman Empire disappeared. There are theories, but they are just that

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Are you referring to the seals of the Apocalypse?

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RemovedJul 25Liked by Cov - Id Project
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Jul 25·edited Jul 25Author

Thank you. Professor Ian F. Akyildiz has worked with our Dr. Journet. If he looks at the last chapters he will see how this man devised microantennas, routers, etc. He himself has patents, all based on graphene oxide.

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RemovedJul 25
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You're confused, I'm not Dr.Journet. I'm sorry I didn't express myself better. The patents are from Mr. Journet

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Removed (Banned)Jul 26
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it is quite clear what I said, that Dr. Akyildez worked with Dr. Journet.

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He's a troll. Don't pay attention, it's obvious he's here to annoy.

We knew that when we started the second part of the investigation of The Fifth Column, they would appear.

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RemovedJul 26
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Read the chapter and you will know

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Jul 25Liked by R. Q., Cov - Id Project

Is there comprehensive evidence that humans created this self assembling nanotechnology? To me, It has always seemed beyond the reach of modern science when until only recently they could only manufacturer clumsy looking robots...

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Jul 25Liked by R. Q., Cov - Id Project

Maybe the controlling alien is the nanotechnology?

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Jul 25·edited Jul 25Author

Indeed, that is what we say in The Fifth Column. It is a nanotechnology that escapes humans, something microscopic that self-assembles on its own creating complex structures...

Your comment is very insightful.

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Jul 25Liked by R. Q., Cov - Id Project

You're the first person that hasn't laughed at this idea... Thanks.

A theory could be that they don't " escape humans", but they " inhabit humans" and control their actions....through poisoning biological responses that allow human emotions like empathy, and that enhance particular human that alligns with the alien goal of self replication and host death.

You have probably covered this before, so I'll have to catch up by watching your podcasts.

You are correct that their is no motivation for any group of humans to end all life on this planet, and the chances of ALL the powerful controllers of the world agreeing on anything for decades is not likely, especially if they have psychopathic traits.

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Thank you. Yes, we have been saying this for years. They want the brain for something, we assume that this deployment of graphene is due to total control, thoughts and feelings as some political leaders have said. In some articles we have discussed that.

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Jul 27Liked by Cov - Id Project

It's clear TO ME that they've been using aluminum and likely other things in vaccines and wherever else, to cause DEMENTIA. But that's not the same as CONTROL. It's like saying if we chop off all the fingers on your hand, we then "control" your hand....

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Probably not, it has been scientifically proven by many doctors that there is graphene and nanotechnology.

If you have read all the chapters you will see that they have already done it. Remember the study carried out in 2016, injecting graphene into rats and directing it to the brain with microwaves to remove the rat's fear of its natural predator, the cat.

Also what several political leaders said, that it is already possible to insert feelings and thoughts with 5G.

There are several studies on this subject.

In medicine it is already done with contrasts, which also already contain graphene.

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Jul 27Liked by Cov - Id Project

Well, I don't trust much of anything like that, really. There are a LOT of claims. There is a LOT of gray area... I agree it's possible, even likely... to a point, perhaps. What happens when people know what's being done to them? Seems like that might make a big difference. I just can't believe it would be that EASY, all the time, for extended periods... It seems to me there would be problems that arise, regarding "total control." And there is still MUCH we don't know about the brain... Thoughts are not material, they can't be "cut out" -- and it seems too that the HEART actually has a lot to do with "thinking" -- I simply have FAR, FAR more faith in NATURE than I do in pathologically evil individuals, even in groups, over any very lengthy period of time.

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Jul 27Liked by Cov - Id Project

And I’m not saying there ISN’T graphene and nanotechnology! ??

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I agree. Very possibly!!

You and I agree, I believe, that there is MUCH misdirection and pure horse manure being ladled out to us... snake venom, LOL, and so forth. I am HIGHLY skeptical of "control" being a thing at this point at least, but POISONING us? Absolutely.

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Jul 27Liked by Cov - Id Project

I agree with the Author-- Excellent idea!! Makes perfect sense to me.

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Jul 25Liked by R. Q., Cov - Id Project

In 2016-ish, i remember wanting to invest in a graphene mine in quebec , the mine was not in full operation but the company had developed a way to reduce graphine into much smaller mollecules than other companies. Most likely this company later contributed to Trudeau's Aquitas nano lipid 40% stock share

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Thank you. What you say is very likely. There are many graphene companies that have joined hands in all of this. Ricardo, as a statistician, saw that months before the vaccines, 2021, the graphene sales stock market skyrocketed

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Jul 27Liked by Cov - Id Project

I think it's probably FAR, FAR less "advanced" and effective and all, than they tell us it is...

"You will own nothing and you will be happy." Well, I can see them actively pulling off the former, but... the latter? I am HIGHLY skeptical of all this talk of controlling us by chipping our brains and using EMF's to control the graphene in us, etc. But-- who knows.

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Jul 27Liked by Cov - Id Project

I hope you're right! And it is far more likely in my opinion that the 5g/ Graphene activation is more likely radiation poisoning for depopulation rather than control, as dementia patients are hard to control and much more useless eaters..

What stumps me is that the organisational level of comparmentalisation required to synchronise the orchestration of events that allow for what has been happening and continues to happen doesn't compute to me.... They would have had to have reached a consensus as to how to react to multiple population reactions at once. I speculate that they have had this AI / quantum level computers for a much longer time than we know of?

But I guess once humans lost their privacy with the internet, we handed our ability to facilitate any potent organised responce on mass to those with the puppet strings, and when the puppets are our unwitting family and friends?

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Jul 27Liked by Cov - Id Project

All good points, for sure. I don’t have answers, but there are a LOT of ideas that sound like pure bollocks to me… I do think, after decades of planning, these maniacs DO have multiple ways of killing us off, or getting us into hospitals where we can be killed off without a lot of questions or proof having to be shown… Think of the POWER of the Medical Industrial Complex, and the fact that we already know Death By Doctor is either THE leading cause of death, or one of the top three, in the US… Good grief. If that right there isn’t a HUGE RED FLAG, I don’t know what is.

I don’t have ALL the answers, but I do strongly feel that there are MANY people complicit, whether they understand what’s going on or not; that there are surely a variety of manipulative tactics going on, such as money, blackmail, threats against family members, etc etc…

Who gave any of these people the right to spray our food? To spray our skies? To tell us what we can/can’t do with our own bodies or the bodies of our children, and speaking of children, what can/can’t be taught to youngsters in schools WE pay for… And how and how much we should be made to pay in taxes? And have NO CHOICE about how and what we are taxed on? And lose the rights that are Divinely Given because of a “justice system” we have no control over? Oh, no, I can’t think for one instant (after being persecuted for over two years by a legal system that doesn’t appear to give one shit about guilt/innocence) that ANYTHING that’s going on is being chosen by THE PEOPLE, but by these interloping, FILTHY RICH psychopaths who look down on Humanity with disdain and hatred… Okay, I’ll stop now… ;)

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If you have read all the chapters you will see that they have already done it. Remember the study carried out in 2016, injecting graphene into rats and directing it to the brain with microwaves to remove the rat's fear of its natural predator, the cat.

Also what several political leaders said, that it is already possible to insert feelings and thoughts with 5G.

There are several studies on this subject.

In medicine it is already done with contrasts, which also already contain graphene.

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Right. And those "studies'" results, as we are told them, are absolutely the TRUTH.

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Jul 25Liked by R. Q., Cov - Id Project

The “Anunnaki” involvement in the human race has been well researched by Dean Henderson. I’d recommend his Substack.

The other hypothesis is ‘they’ are not ET’s but inter-dimensional demons.

Many UFO’s have been seen flying out of oceans, which makes me think ‘they’ could have bases under water.

Also, worth noting is there is a conspiracy about a future fake alien invasion psyop

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Very interesting, thanks

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Jul 25Liked by R. Q., Cov - Id Project

Thank you too for providing first class information. Well researched, informative and accurate.

Can you put it together for a book of sorts? Or a website, just more ways to reach as many people as possible.

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Thanks to you.

She hadn't thought about it. What I have created this morning is a menu in this substack where all the information will be in an orderly manner, since from now on there will also be other types of information different from the History of a Genocide series, but that is in line to continue waking up and informing people.

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Jul 25Liked by Cov - Id Project

Good idea about menu. The information you and others have provided needs a greater audience than Substack, in my opinion. Anyway, have a good day 👽

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Jul 25·edited Jul 25Liked by Cov - Id Project

Alien theories are used to deflect attention and blames.

Even if they were true, they are in my opinion only serving in to muddy the waters.

What is known and beyond any and all doubts as actual facts, is that inorganic substances introduced to the body via injections, are carcinogenic, and that graphene oxide, a toxic and carcinogenic superconductor, is the main substance used to electrically activate, charge and operate nano bots and self assembly technology.

Many are the applications of such carcinogenic technology, but in the end, only two are its main objectives, one for the external emotional and sensory control of beings, and the other, as expressed in the microsoft 2020 patent 060606, to tag and turn living creatures into crypto wallets.

Than of course, the ability to kill anyone without leaving almost any visible trace of the murder achieved by using the inorganic and electro sensitive particles to target specific areas and organs, is an other failed application of this so called technology as the involuntary activation of such protocols, can not be controlled. “ they can remotely kill who they like, but have no control over the use of such technology, and accidental triggers are uncontrollable”.

The introduction of inorganic materials In the body, designed to convert humans into so called trans humans, is anyhow a completate nonsense and a failure, as the natural immune system of all living creatures, is designed to expel the inorganic substances, and their forced presence in the body, is beyond any and all doubts, causing cancer.

Allopathy, is the medicine of cancer, “causing cancer”, because it introduces in the body unnatural and inorganic substances and compounds, which the body can not always expel, triggering the formation of tumors and consequently cancer.

On the other hand, natural and homeopathic medicine, are the only true forms of medicine, and well chosen and administrated, can be used to overcome any and all diseases.

On this note I would like to point out two homeopathic remedies which work well into help the body to expel toxins “including graphene oxide”.

Would be great if you with your great microscope, could look into them and publish your findings.

The two are called “thuja, and silicea”.

Any howI like to thank the fifth column for its warnings and revelations, as well as for your stand in defiance of the threats and bulling by the eugenist cabal, and I would like to suggest two things about this channel. First, the name which you have chosen, is in my opinion scarring people away instead of bringing them closer “cov Id project” who the f.. likes to be part of something called like that? Calling it for example “The fifth column” would in stead attract more people as many have heard of your great work and would like to connect with you to learn more about your discoveries, and the second, instead of putting hours of videos in each post, make perhaps more posts which are easier to go through.

Once again thank you for sharing your work and for giving voice to those of which’s voices are being suppressed.

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Jul 25·edited Jul 25Liked by R. Q., Cov - Id Project

This deflection has been going on for far too long and is majorly promoted by the controlled opposition of the alt media..

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Yes, big time!

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Jul 25·edited Jul 25Author

Thank you. Graphene oxide is the hardest material that currently exists. We do not know, because there are no studies, if it is completely eliminated or if it always remains in the body.

As for the title, you will understand that I could not call it The Fifth Column, since it already existed. And it is appropriate, although it may seem scary to you, to call it the Cov-ID Project, since it really is a human identification project.

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If I may suggest, you could add to the title the word “stop”, “end”, or “f…” cov ID 19 project, I am quite sure you will get much more people interested in reading your articles and less thinking of it to be the opposite of what is supposed to be.

Graphene oxide, which indeed is tough, is not as tough as you may think, like any chemical substance, it can be dissolved by other chemicals which brake up its composition.

The two homeopathic remedies which I pointed out, in small doses seam to be able to do both, dissolve the inorganic substances, and help the body eject them, this is why I was hoping for you to be able to look into it with a microscope, and see how small doses of such homeopathic remedies are able to achieve such a result.

Anyhow once again, thank you for sharing..


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For now, no one but you has suggested changing the name of this substack.

Curious your statement that graphene oxide is not as hard as you might think. This contradicts the scientific literature.

Where can we read your work so that others can replicate what you have done and check the results? It's always good to know what others are doing.

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I once again think that if you are la Quinta columna, you would be doing much better if you would keep your name on Substack, as more people would be able to reach you.

About my studies on this metter, I do not have the tools to run the tests, what I do know is how it worked for me, and that also others “around the world” have confirmed.

The literature, as you for sure can remember, is that thing which called the jab “safe and effective”, so as far as I am concerned, in 2024, the scientific “literature”, is very good, for one thing only, starting fires, “using it as toilet paper would be uncomfortable”, then again, if you are out of it…

About my personal experience, I can tell you that after getting poisoned by a swab test which I was forced to make in order to travel, “the stick was broken and left inside of my nostril ”, and nearly dying “months with one side running nose which morphed into a deadly lung disease of sort, giving me a growing pain to the chest and forcing me for a month to wakeup in pain and having to turn side many time during my sleep “pain inside my chest on the side on which I was sleeping”, after taking one time the homeopathic remedies “remedies requested by me explicitly not for fighting lungs diseases, but for to expel toxic substances from the body” “Thuja c30 two sugar pills and 11 drops of Silicea in alcohol diluted form, and going to sleep, I woke up the next morning “completely cured”.

I kept on taking the remedies as suggested by the homeopath for 3 days, and that’s it, I was cured.

“Also the one side running nose stoped”

Following my experience, and the informations I provided, the same pharmacy have continued to suggest the same remedies to people which were suffering anything related to graphene oxide, hydrogel and dna contaminants like the toxic jabs, with great success.

About the graphene oxide being so tough, once again, there is a solvent for anything which chemical.

Perhaps this is the reason why in the so called “science” the most secretive of studies are those related to “electrochemistry”.

Anyhow, nature has all the answers.

Perhaps asking Homeopaths about the new remedies they have found to contrast this induced intoxication, can help you find the best organic solvent to dissolve this inorganic nightmare.

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Jul 25Liked by R. Q., Cov - Id Project

You have not understood anything, when he refers to scientific literature he is not referring to what has been written from 2020 until now. You have not understood anything about hydrogel either, there is a chapter dedicated to this product whose function is to camouflage graphene. And nothing is understood when you talk about DNA contaminants. You can't pretend to know more than chemistry doctors.

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I can't change the domain anymore even if I wanted to, there are many videos that reference this domain.

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RemovedJul 25
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So sorry for your ordeal, it sounds horrible.

I am a firm believer that the Human body will heal damn near anything, with the proper tools...

I have read that Silicea is a natural ingredient in BEER and some high-end bottled waters as well, and is a detox for aluminum. I saw the "dose" to be two pints. So every now and then and drink three beers, twice over two days. I have no idea if this is efficacious, entirely or all, but it can't hurt. :)

I do have a friend who is a Homeopathic Practicioner, perhaps I can get her to join this conversation... I don't think she reads Substacks, but maybe she will want to join this conversation... As I said above, there's a fellow Stacker, Shawn Loomis, who I imagine would be a willing participant in this discussion. I subscribed to your page. This is the stuff, right here, THIS conversation is huge, in my view, and the other thing that is on my High Priority List is what to do about this problem with Gubby Mint...

Seen/heard this? Not medical...


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Jul 25Liked by R. Q., Cov - Id Project

Well, to be a follower of The Fifth Column, you deny what they defend. So, how do you explain that graphene has been introduced in all parts of the world and that no one says anything, in fact, they deny it as False Dissidence.

On the other hand, the title of this substack seems fine to me, I don't see it as inappropriate. Furthermore, what does the title have to do with the quality of the information given? Do you think that because you have a cool title they will read you more if what you read is garbage?

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Jul 27Liked by Cov - Id Project

I tend to agree with you in LARGE part. Cheers.

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And thank you for the remedies! And several good points. I believe we are lucky to have this source of information-whatever the name! So many will not listen to me no matter how many ways I attempt to start this dialogue. The door in their mind is shut. This other agenda has been thorough. I am still amazed at how few can or want to hear/see or listen. I could never have fathomed what we are living through. Another source is and has been here. But I too believe nature wins. Somehow.

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Jul 25Liked by R. Q., Cov - Id Project

Israel has backdoors in all the tech. They were majorly involved in the vaccines. The Talmud is Magikal Qabbalah. They intend to make Jerusalem the centre of The New World Order and have openly stated as much on many occasions.

But I would not describe them or their acolytes as 'superior'...

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Thanks, Interesting. So from your point of view, do you think that the Israelites also have control of the Chinese and Russian vaccines? since in these there is also graphene and nanotechnology

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Jul 25·edited Jul 25Liked by Cov - Id Project

Yes it is a global endeavour coordinated by the central banks through various NGOs like UN and WHO - no one gets out alive.

Z'ionists are overrepresented in the banking sector - as you probably know. It appears that the Knights Templar established Switzerland...which is also a 'hub'.

They are also directing CBDCs linked to Digital IDs using blockchain; Smart cities; the plan to destroy the food system; mass immigration; and geo engineering. The same group are also majorly overrepresented in transhumanism which is part of the vx plan.

Did I forget World War? The 'bankers' had a hand in all the major conflicts.

Certainly the head of the Russian vx programme is a Z'ionist, as is Putin, and Lavrov.

The Russian jab czar is: Alexander Gintsburg, head of the Gamaleya Center.

Read up on what has been going on in Russia via Edward Slavsquat. Russia will introduce CBDCs in 2025 and they have a slew of new vaccines planned and are just as keen to include children as the West..

Btw Israel has just rolled out a new and improved censorship programmed run by Israeli intel called CyberWell. They intend to shut everyone up.


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Jul 25Liked by Cov - Id Project

Israel is a human shield for the Black Nobility.

You should know that by now.


Slavsquat is a propagandist.

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Few people know the true history of Israel, they only know what they were taught in school. We are called "those with the apron."

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They are not Israelites

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Jul 25Liked by R. Q., Cov - Id Project
RemovedJul 26·edited Jul 26
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Jul 26Liked by R. Q., Cov - Id Project

I don't think that LQC (as a group) has a fixed theory about the origins of the technology. I am not sure who writes this substack.

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Yes, yes, it is described in this very chapter. Although sometimes it seems that they go from the first to the second and vice versa. But they lean more towards the first.

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Jul 25Liked by R. Q., Cov - Id Project

Again a very important article. I have no words, nor did I know where all this was going to lead. I'm impressed. But the evidence is clear, there is a relationship between what Dr. Lear found and the findings of The Fifth Column.

This is liberating, knowing that we are not to blame for anything, that others are running the world. Now we understand many things about history. All wars have been THEIR sacrifices, but ignorant of us who have gone for false ideals that THEY have instilled for that purpose.

Now we understand why the politicians have not done anything with this whole plan, it is because they are part of the plan. It doesn't matter what political sign they are, they are all fakes. Those who think that such a politician is going to save us are making a mistake. They don't realize it because they are so involved in the system THEY have created that they are unable to see the deception. Their minds have been so conditioned since childhood that they are not able to see reality.

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Jul 25·edited Jul 25Author

You're right. In fact, in the Fifth Column we have stopped believing in politics, we have realized that it is an invention of THEM to control us. That is why in their ranks there are people from the extreme right and the extreme left, all coexisting peacefully, since those who called themselves fascists have now changed their name to defenders of humanity. And those who called themselves Bolsheviks have now changed their name to defenders of humanity. For the first time we have realized who the enemy really is.

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Thank you.

And what is your opinion on this? Which theory do you lean more towards? Or do you have a personal theory?

They have written few for the almost 1000 subscribers and followers that there are. I encourage the rest to give their opinion, what they think about these theories.

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Aug 3Liked by Cov - Id Project

I lean more towards the second one. We have the proof, besides being under microscopes, in archaeology, history and ancient sacred books. Here there were non-human beings who genetically modified another species to become their slaves.

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Jul 25Liked by R. Q., Cov - Id Project

Charles Upton, a poet and a metaphysical thinker wrote a very interesting title called Cracks in the Great Wall. La Quinta I believe would benefit as would anyone from a read.


Can we really know what UFO's are?

The answer is Yes — but only if we study them armed with a kind of knowledge that explains the true and complete structure of the universe — spiritual, psychic, and material — a knowledge that only traditional metaphysics can provide.

Science can supply one piece of the puzzle, detective work another, psychic investigation still another. But only metaphysics can put the puzzle together, and give us a complete and satisfying picture of the UFO phenomenon. Cracks in the Great Wall analyzes of the findings of UFO researcher Jacques Vallee and some of his colleagues in light of the teachings of René Guénon, particularly as expressed in his prophetic masterpiece The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times. According to Guénon, one of the signs of the End Times is the erosion of the energy barrier or ''Great Wall" between the material plane and the world of subtle realities — which is why our world is now being invaded by 'infra-psychic forces' of a terribly destructive nature. Author Charles Upton shows how one of the most obvious examples of this invasion is the UFO phenomenon, including the experience of 'alien abduction.' A lifetime student of comparative religion and mysticism, he explains the true nature of UFOs, the quality of the world they come from, and also something about the agenda these beings, or some of them, are trying to impose upon our world. If you want to remain merely mystified or fascinated by the UFO phenomenon, this book is not for you. But if you want to understand it, Cracks in the Great Wall will give you the conceptual tools you need. With the help of UFOlogists Jacques Vallee and John E. Mack, Christian writers C.S. Lewis and Seraphim Rose, Kaballah authority Leo Schaya, and traditionalist writers René Guénon and Whitall Perry, Charles Upton has provided the most comprehensive explanation of the UFO phenomenon yet written. It is difficult to be objective in areas outside our collective view of reality — but if, as the author contends, his argument is based on sound principles, it deserves serious consideration by all who are interested in the UFO phenomenon and its effect on our world.

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Aug 12Liked by Cov - Id Project
Jul 27Liked by Cov - Id Project

So, are you saying that you don't believe that there are ENTITIES (I believe they're human, if you believe that psychopaths ARE human) that are seeking to CULL the human population, if not completely wipe it out? Because there is much rational reason, in my opinion, to believe that IS the case. Not all at once, obviously. But... shit ain't over yet. Next appears to be the introduction of FORCED use of digital currency and the control of us via that... Apparently. Makes sense to me, anyway, and it seems to be a logical Next Step.

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Yes, we don't believe that it's humans who are doing this. That doesn't mean that there aren't humans collaborating with them, surely, just remember the False Dissidence, hired by them.

What human would do something like that? Destroy their own species?

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I’ve never seen ANY evidence of anything but HUMANS being involved. Show me.

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So you think that all countries, both left and right, have magically agreed to introduce nanotechnology to their citizens. A nanotechnology that assembles itself, a technology just like what Dr. Lear found in the implants of supposed abductees.

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You know what? I'm getting a bit tired of you putting words into my mouth. You sound like a troll. You DON'T sound like the guy I've spoken to before. That's why I asked if there are more than one of you "authoring" this page.

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It was just a question, I wasn't saying that you thought that way.

By the way, if you say you're getting tired of me putting words in your mouth, that means I've done it before, tell me when?

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And YOU believe there's extra-terrestrials that are planning and carrying out a genocide on Earth?

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Aug 11Liked by Cov - Id Project

Yes,not only believe but know,there's nothing more powerful than knowing.But you can take a look at the evidence,https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Full_Disclosure_Event

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Aug 11Liked by Cov - Id Project

Here ya go,that white house photo is a classic,https://sarahlawtonrn.substack.com/p/aryans-in-antarctica-part-1

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You are right. Antarctica is a great mystery. Not long ago the Davos Forum met with European political leaders there. Is there no other place to meet than far away?

No one can go to Antarctica, and yet they can. What are they hiding there? No ship can pass by its coasts, no plane can fly within this continent, even if it flies at high altitudes, it is prohibited.

Satellites can operate over Antarctica and collect data, especially for scientific studies related to climate, geography and wildlife. However, the images and data obtained cannot be disclosed, it is prohibited. With the excuse of the 4 bears there, they hide the truth from you. Everything is militarized.

I know someone who was on a mission hired by the army, they forced him not to reveal anything he saw. At his age, he has revealed part of it, and it would surprise anyone what he said. It's the same old story, deception and lies so that we never know the truth.

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Aug 11·edited Aug 11Liked by Cov - Id Project

What if the flat earth psyop was because they did not anyone thinking it was hollow.Not like a pumpkin but caves and caverns.Happens to work,no one talking about hollow earth.Hitlers troops built an underground base there and the nazi's started leaving germany a yr.before the war ended.The allies found out and sent Admiral Byrd and you know what happened.Then in 1952 the ufo/whitehouse incident lasted from Aug 12th to the 29th.Laura Eisenhower said the whitehouse surrendered to the nazi's.Hitler was sponsored by the nordics aka the tall whites.Makes sense,Aryan supremacy story.You're right but our history and science books have been rewritten,not much true there but our belief it's true which creates our reality.https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Nordic_Aliens. If you type antarctica into the glossary they have a page which is know a little more,pretty good drawing.

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It is said that the first expedition to Antarctica is attributed to the expedition of Sir James Clark Ross, which took place between 1839 and 1843. Although there were earlier explorations in waters near Antarctica, such as those carried out by explorers such as Fabian von Bellingshausen and Mikhail Lazarev in 1820, Ross's expedition is considered the first to more systematically explore the Antarctic continent.

New Swabia is also said to have been the name given by the German Antarctic Expedition of 1938-1939.

A pyramid has recently been discovered here. It is surprising how well made it is for a natural formation.

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Aug 11Liked by Cov - Id Project
Aug 11Liked by Cov - Id Project

Most people will choose denial instead of pain.I'm a little ahead of the pack,knew this was alien technology in the chemtrails 5-6 yrs ago.https://rudolfsteinerbookstore.com/product/geoengineered-transhumanism/

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Aug 11Liked by Cov - Id Project

So as to understand what you're getting in to Cov-id project and it is late in the game,https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Targeted_Individuals.

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Jul 28Liked by Cov - Id Project

This substack at this time is a service to mankind. Thank you for continuing to share where research has taken you. It is an important discussion even if we have differences. I too believe another source is here, manipulating humans. I do not see if it is inter-dimensional but wonder about this. I wonder if it's been infiltrating humanity for a long time and some have more of it and so have more gullibility than those of us questioning and saying no. I live around so many who cannot open their minds at all. what has happened that this is the case? So few go to the depths you have here. I so appreciate it.

I do believe nature wins. Many will die. Many are. But humans win. A deep knowing.

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The creator gods are here,we have a good chance,https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Emerald_Order

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Thank you for your compliments.

The manipulation of human beings by them goes back a long way in history. If you look at ancient sacred texts you will understand that they all speak of them. In our culture, we have very clear examples of this, you only need to read the Bible without the theological interpretations and bad translations that they have made.

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Jul 30·edited Jul 30Liked by Cov - Id Project


Hi Gents. I just thought I would share this with you:

Dr. Ana has some 'breaking news'.

Graphene Confirmed In Dental Anesthetics By University Of Colorado


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Yeah,,, “lead by another species”… called jew!

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So you think Israel has convinced all countries to commit this genocide?

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Aug 10Liked by Cov - Id Project

The answer is yes,for at least the last 5500 yrs as humanity lost the war in space giving the reptilians unrestricted control of earth.It's the negative alien agenda,Annunaki,reptilians,greys,nordics or tall whites.You want the truth,it's all in here.You can type in your question or questions into the ascension glossary.Most people can't handle the truth,they don't want to know.https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Nordic_Aliens

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Aug 17Liked by Cov - Id Project

First, thank you for sharing all this. I will upgrade to paid when I am employed again. Just discovered you, so this is probably too late to be seen by you. I am still going through this column. It is incredible. Have you read the late WIlliam Cooper's book "Behold a Pale Horse"? He was a Naval Intelligence Briefing Team member. Spent his life after military service speaking out and revealing top-secret government information on the plans for us, including much UFO information. The interactions and reactions of Truman and Kissinger, among many others - to the alien presence - is in here. There is documentation throughout the book. I am shocked not to see his name everywhere, as he laid it all out for the American people and was very well known. Of great interest to me is the fact that our government was very interested in the Fatima prophesies and consulted with the aliens about this. The aliens told them the prophesy was true. I do not believe the visions were anything but a non-human hoax, and the fact that the prophesies seem to be coming true now is yet another manipulation to make people believe God has something to do with incinerating us in a nuclear holocaust. As though God were capable of harming His own creation.

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Cooper was not wrong. He already knew something, now we have the evidence under microscopes.

A virgin approximately 1.50 meters tall, wearing a cape, with a ball in her hand and that does not look like the virgin, it is clear what it is.

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Aug 19Liked by Cov - Id Project

I should have known you were already aware of that! You are providing a great service to mankind.

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Sep 28Liked by Cov - Id Project

Can I come move to Mexico and join the 5th column ?

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You don't have to move to Mexico to be part of the Fifth Column. You just have to spread this message wherever you are, this way it will be one more. Get well informed by reading this summary of the 4 years of investigation.

If you want to get away from a big city, you are doing well. Many people are moving to rural towns. Not everyone can do it for work.

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