It was proven a long time ago that there is nothing biological in vaccines, therefore they cannot have luciferase. I think this was another theory to cover up graphene.
It is correct that microwaves are related to covid, but ask yourself why only the vaccinated are the ones who die. Could it be that there is a material in vaccines that amplifies the damage of radiation?
Have you read anything from this substack? There you have all the information, all the research of La Quinta Columna of these 4 years summarized, from the first report of 2021 that demonstrates the presence of reduced graphene oxide in covid vials, to the different studies carried out where it is shown that there is nothing biological in vaccines. The first one I think was from Dr. Nagase.
You keep making the mistake of BELIEVING that there is luciferase in vaccines. For now, there is no one who has scientifically proven through chemical analysis that this enzyme is present in vaccines.
Science always acts in the same way. Someone does a study and later others perform the same experiment to draw new conclusions. This is called peer review.
It was demonstrated years ago that there is nothing biological in vaccines that produces immunity, be it RNA or spike protein. You are not informed about it. In the vaccines analyzed there is neither phosphorus nor nitrogen, two essential elements for life, whether bacteria, fungi, RNA, etc., they contain these two elements. It's the first thing they teach you in college when you're studying.
Therefore, if there is nothing biological, what shines is graphene, it is written in the scientific literature.
Read this post where it is scientifically proven by several studies that there is nothing biological. Although you can also continue believing that there is because you trust the official world, and the lies they tell in their media. That official world that told you that vaccines were to save lives and denied the graphene in them.
Having the evidence supported by science that the covid vaccines have graphene oxide in ribbons, sheets and filaments, in addition to graphene quantum dots, in this magnificent article, Mr. Mike Andersen, consulting the scientific literature, relates and demonstrates why All this nanotechnology is necessary inside the body.
The objective of this operation they called Covid-19 is more than demonstrated. Mark the entire population as cattle to eliminate part of it and control and neuromodulate the rest of the population.
It is more than likely that they are already neuromodulating those vaccinated because by showing them evidence, they do not believe you. Impossible to talk to them. These discoveries should infuriate all of them, and yet they are peacefully calm as if nothing is happening.
Indeed, it is very possible that they are already neuromodulating the population, there are things that cannot be explained if you do not put this fact first.
This is an excellent expose' regarding the intended mechanisms of bio-industrial suicide. The utilized technologies are maiming and destroying *ALL* biological life forms on the planet. The technologists are clearly insane and dangerous. Here's one of thousands of analyses. >>> Figure 1 illustrates the atmospheric absorption for millimeter wave frequencies. >>> “At the millimeter wave frequency of 60GHz, the absorption is very high, with 98 percent of the transmitted energy absorbed by atmospheric oxygen. While oxygen absorption at 60GHz severely limits range, it also eliminates interference between same frequency terminals.” [End quote]
How does this absorption factor affect biological cells? What about H2O (water molecules)? Ugh…
Fixed Wireless Communications at 60GHz Unique Oxygen Absorption Properties >>> April 10, 2001
Do you know what the 5G frequency tendered in all countries is? The 26 Ghz. Frequency where graphene has its maximum performance. From 0 to 300 Ghz they have chosen this one. There must be a reason.
As the scientific literature well describes, graphene is capable of modulating the signal at Terahertz, compared to 60 Ghz it would be nothing. And internally in the body, it is already being done. I don't think anyone will survive
And where do you put graphene is your story?
It was proven a long time ago that there is nothing biological in vaccines, therefore they cannot have luciferase. I think this was another theory to cover up graphene.
It is correct that microwaves are related to covid, but ask yourself why only the vaccinated are the ones who die. Could it be that there is a material in vaccines that amplifies the damage of radiation?
Have you read anything from this substack? There you have all the information, all the research of La Quinta Columna of these 4 years summarized, from the first report of 2021 that demonstrates the presence of reduced graphene oxide in covid vials, to the different studies carried out where it is shown that there is nothing biological in vaccines. The first one I think was from Dr. Nagase.
You keep making the mistake of BELIEVING that there is luciferase in vaccines. For now, there is no one who has scientifically proven through chemical analysis that this enzyme is present in vaccines.
Science always acts in the same way. Someone does a study and later others perform the same experiment to draw new conclusions. This is called peer review.
It was demonstrated years ago that there is nothing biological in vaccines that produces immunity, be it RNA or spike protein. You are not informed about it. In the vaccines analyzed there is neither phosphorus nor nitrogen, two essential elements for life, whether bacteria, fungi, RNA, etc., they contain these two elements. It's the first thing they teach you in college when you're studying.
Therefore, if there is nothing biological, what shines is graphene, it is written in the scientific literature.
Read this post where it is scientifically proven by several studies that there is nothing biological. Although you can also continue believing that there is because you trust the official world, and the lies they tell in their media. That official world that told you that vaccines were to save lives and denied the graphene in them.
Awesome article!! Magnificent article!!
Having the evidence supported by science that the covid vaccines have graphene oxide in ribbons, sheets and filaments, in addition to graphene quantum dots, in this magnificent article, Mr. Mike Andersen, consulting the scientific literature, relates and demonstrates why All this nanotechnology is necessary inside the body.
The objective of this operation they called Covid-19 is more than demonstrated. Mark the entire population as cattle to eliminate part of it and control and neuromodulate the rest of the population.
It is more than likely that they are already neuromodulating those vaccinated because by showing them evidence, they do not believe you. Impossible to talk to them. These discoveries should infuriate all of them, and yet they are peacefully calm as if nothing is happening.
Thank you.
Indeed, it is very possible that they are already neuromodulating the population, there are things that cannot be explained if you do not put this fact first.
Thanks to you
This is an excellent expose' regarding the intended mechanisms of bio-industrial suicide. The utilized technologies are maiming and destroying *ALL* biological life forms on the planet. The technologists are clearly insane and dangerous. Here's one of thousands of analyses. >>> Figure 1 illustrates the atmospheric absorption for millimeter wave frequencies. >>> “At the millimeter wave frequency of 60GHz, the absorption is very high, with 98 percent of the transmitted energy absorbed by atmospheric oxygen. While oxygen absorption at 60GHz severely limits range, it also eliminates interference between same frequency terminals.” [End quote]
How does this absorption factor affect biological cells? What about H2O (water molecules)? Ugh…
Fixed Wireless Communications at 60GHz Unique Oxygen Absorption Properties >>> April 10, 2001
Do you know what the 5G frequency tendered in all countries is? The 26 Ghz. Frequency where graphene has its maximum performance. From 0 to 300 Ghz they have chosen this one. There must be a reason.
As the scientific literature well describes, graphene is capable of modulating the signal at Terahertz, compared to 60 Ghz it would be nothing. And internally in the body, it is already being done. I don't think anyone will survive
The human species is heading towards total slavery. There will be no free will. Graphene-based nanotechnology will take care of this.
Magnificent article and very well documented. Everything is more than clear, graphene everywhere.
They are criminals, but people don't react.
Thank you.
Neural implant to everyone.
Once again, Wow. And thank you.
Thank you
Beautiful. Great work. Thank you.