History of a Genocide (XXIX)
Josep Miquel Jornet and Rafael Yuste: Neuroscience based on graphene. Part 1
In the previous chapter of "History of a Genocide - XXVIII" we were discussing the dramatic death of the actress Katarina Pavelek and how she took her life due to the damage caused by the graphene introduced in the so-called Covid vaccines.
In this chapter we will address the studies carried out decades ago by two compatriots who live and work in the United States, and who were hired to develop graphene-based nanotechnology, neural monitoring and communications on the internet of bodies.
Josep Miquel Jornet and Rafael Yuste are two prominent scientists who have contributed significantly to the field of neurotechnology and graphene-based wireless communications.
Rafael Yuste is a Spanish neuroscientist who has been a pioneer in the development of the optogenetics technique, which allows controlling neuronal activity through electromagnetic fields such as light. For his part, Josep Miquel Jornet is a Spanish engineer expert in graphene-based nanotechnology applied to neuroscience, specialized in the development of devices for brain stimulation at the cellular level.
Both researchers have collaborated closely on the “Brain Initiative” project in the United States, which sought to map and understand the functioning of the human brain through the integration of neuroscience and graphene-based technology. Their work together has led to important advances in the understanding, manipulation of the brain and the development of brain-machine interfaces. Furthermore, its interdisciplinary approach has been fundamental in promoting research in neurotechnology and taking it to new horizons.
For decades, these two researchers have realized the dream of many dictators, to completely control human beings, even on a mental level, their thoughts. We have the success of their research in the graphene-based interface that they have inoculated the entire world, passing them off as vaccines. Now what the former president of Chile said about 5G is possible, "the possibility that machines can read our thoughts, can insert thoughts and feelings." Those statements cost him his life.
Throughout this series of chapters we have explored the possibilities offered by graphene oxide and graphene-based nanomaterials. Thanks to the work of Dr. Campra, graphene began to be known; until then it was a material that no one had heard of.
As mentioned in Chapter 16, it has been possible for years to control the minds of animals. An example of this is the experiment where researchers from Graphene Flagship partners SISSA in Italy, ICN2 in Spain and the University of Manchester in the United Kingdom, in collaboration with the Ribeirão Preto School of Medicine of the University of São Paulo, injecting graphene oxide in a rat and, using electromagnetic fields similar to those of telephone antennas, they managed to make the rat lose its fear of its natural predator, the cat. Furthermore, in an interview with Mr. Yuste, it is detailed how his research confirms the possibility of inserting images into the minds of rats, using graphene non-invasively in their brains.
Let us remember the words of Elon Musk, when he spoke of introducing an interface into people's brains in a non-invasive way through veins and arteries.
Josep Miquel Jornet
Professor, Laboratory Director and Institute Associate Director
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Ultrabroadband Nanonetworking Laboratory
Institute for the Wireless Internet of Things & SMART Center
Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Josep Miquel Jornet1 is a Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), the director of the Ultrabroadband Nanonetworking (UN) Laboratory, an Associate Director of the Institute for the Wireless Internet of Things (WIoT), and a faculty member of the SMART Center at Northeastern University (NU).
Josep Miquel was born in Tarragona (Spain). He received an Engineering Degree in Telecommunication Engineering and a Master of Science in Information and Communication Technologies from the Barcelona School of Telecommunications Engineering (ETSETB), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain, in 2008. From September 2007 to December 2008, he was a visiting researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, under the MIT Sea Grant program. He received his Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, in August 2013, under the guidance of Professor Ian F. Akyildiz. Between August 2013 and August 2019, he was a faculty in the Department of Electrical Engineering at the University at Buffalo (UB), The State University of New York. He joined NU in 2019 as an Associate Professor and was promoted to Full Professor in 2023.
His research interests are in terahertz communication networks, wireless nano-bio-communication networks, and the Internet of Nano-Things. In these areas, he has co-authored more than 240 peer-reviewed scientific publications, including one book, and has been granted five US patents. His work has received over 16,000 citations (h-index of 58 as of December 2023). His work has been funded by multiple grants from different U.S. federal agencies, including the National Science Foundation, the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR), and the Office of Naval Research (ONR) as well as industry, totaling over $15M in less than ten years. He received the National Science Foundation CAREER Award in 2019, several other awards from IEEE, ACM, UB, and NU, and several best-paper awards. He is a Fellow of the IEEE, Class of 2024.
Since July 2016, he has been the Editor-in-Chief of Elsevier’s Nano Communication Networks Journal. He is an Associate Editor in IEEE Transactions on Communications since 2022 and for Scientific Reports since 2023. He also serves on the Steering Committee of the ACM Conference Series on Nano Computing and Communication since 2016, as well as the IEEE International Workshop Series on Terahertz Communications (TeraCom) and the ACM Workshop Series on Millimeter-Wave and Terahertz Networks and Sensing Systems (mmNets), both since 2022.
Besides research and service, he is committed to education and workforce development. Since 2022, he has been the co-director of the two new Master of Science (MS) degrees in the Internet of Things and Wireless and Network Engineering by the WIoT and ECE at Northeastern University. He has introduced multiple pioneering and innovative courses, including the first course on Nanonetworking (2014-2019), Terahertz Communications for 6G (since 2020), and an Experimental Approach to Wireless Communications (since 2021). Outside Northeastern University, he has participated in many panels, delivered multiple short courses and tutorials, served as a keynote speaker in multiple venues, and is currently an IEEE Communications Society Distinguished Lecturer.
His knowledge of nanoscale graphene is total. His line of research is based on this nanomaterial. The hundreds of studies of him and his lectures confirm this. He was hired for one purpose, to make graphene-based nanoantennas and nanorouters successful, as they have been. The nanodevices present in vaccines are proof of this. His studies on MAC addresses in nanotechnology confirm what was observed in the MAC addresses issued by vaccinated people. That is why we are facing one of those who have designed the devices that have been introduced to all vaccinated people in the world.
It is quite possible that in situations like this, he has no information about the purpose or recipient of all the nanotechnology he worked on for decades, believing it was for charitable purposes.
Let's briefly look at some of the hundreds of peer-reviewed scientific studies2 that it has developed and which are detailed on its website.
Of his studies I would highlight the following:
Graphene-based plasmonic nano-antenna for terahertz band communication in nanonetworks
Graphene-based nano-patch antenna for terahertz radiation
Energy and spectrum-aware MAC protocol for perpetual wireless nanosensor networks in the Terahertz Band
Radiation characteristics of tunable graphennas in the terahertz band
Characterization of Graphene-based Nano-antennas in the Terahertz Band
Ultra-massive MIMO channel modeling for graphene-enabled terahertz-band communications
Graphene-based nano-antennas for electromagnetic nanocommunications in the terahertz band
Terahertz band: Next frontier for wireless communications
Nanonetworks: A new frontier in communications
Graphene-based plasmonic nano-transceiver for terahertz band communication
TeraNets: Ultra-broadband communication networks in the terahertz band
Graphene-based Plasmonic Phase Modulator for terahertz-band communication
Channel Modeling and Capacity Analysis for Electromagnetic Wireless Nanonetworks in the Terahertz Band
Modeling and performance analysis of metallic plasmonic nano-antennas for wireless optical communication in nanonetworks
Intra-body Optical Channel Modeling for In-vivo Wireless Nanosensor Networks.
Terahertz communication for vehicular networks
Take the following study3 from 2016 as an example., PHLAME: A Physical Layer Aware MAC Protocol for Electromagnetic Nanonetworks in the Terahertz Band.
In this study, the Physical Layer Aware MAC protocol for electromagnetic nanonetworks (PHLAME) is analyzed. This protocol is designed to operate in the terahertz band and optimize communication parameters and channel coding schemes in nanonetworks. PHLAME adapts the encoding parameters depending on the channel quality and available resources, taking into account power fluctuations in the nanodevices.
The article also presents the RD TS-OOK communication scheme, which is a revised version that supports variable symbol rates for nanodevices. Analytical studies are included on power consumption, delay, and protocol performance, using accurate models of the terahertz channel and interference. In summary, the study analyzes the performance and effectiveness of PHLAME in electromagnetic nanogrid environments.
In most of his studies he treats wireless nanosensor networks (WNSN) as the key technology for health monitoring and surveillance applications where the MAC protocol is fundamental for wireless communication.
This is just a small sample of the hundreds of studies related to graphene-based nanotechnology. These words must be repeated for the False Dissidence, "graphene-based nanotechnology", and not PEG hydrogels.
Really what this man does, even if we do not agree with his work, is science. Others present images under the microscope without doing any chemical analysis of what they see, taking what they say as an act of faith, and believing that they are doing science. But in reality we know that they are there to confuse and deceive.
If we compare the images shown in Josep Miquel's studies with those shown by Dr. Campra, we can check the similarity between them. Dr. Campra, in addition to publishing and demonstrating in 2021, unequivocally, the presence of graphene oxide in all Covid vaccines, also published another study where unknown structures could be seen and that thanks to the research work of Mike Andersen we were able to reveal much later that they were nanorouters and nanoantennas based on graphene.
In this study4 by Dr. Campra from October 2021, it is questioned whether the structures found in the Covid vials were wireless nanosensors:
"AS A WORKING HYPOTHESIS, some of these objects have been proposed as possible elements of a WIRELESS NANOSENSORS NETWORK (WNSN), whether as nano-sensors, as nano-routers, or as nano-antennae.
Most of these object appear after room temperature drying of samples, staying embedded in the remaining hydrogel.
As far as we know, neither the identity of these objects, whether mineral crystals or nanotechnological devices, has not been stated by the manufacturers, nor they hay been properly characterized by independent labs." .
After checking in 2021 how vaccinated people issued binary data and MAC addresses, we were able to understand everything. The literature consulted confirmed this. We can see the similarity with the work of Josep Miquel.
Let's now see an excerpt from a conference given in 20218 by Josep Miquel talking about his work on graphene-based nanoantennas.
Here is an image taken from Josep Miquel's literature, a nanoantenna based on graphene. (I repeat, nanoantenna based on graphene, does not contain hydrogels of any kind, gentlemen of the False Dissidence, we know that you are in this story to lie and confuse. We do not understand how these criminals who have collaborated with the mass murder of millions of people, continue walking happily through the streets).
Now let's look at the images that Dr. Campra presented in his study mentioned above.
In order not to extend this chapter too much, we will leave it here and continue in the next chapter.
We must not forget the wave of suicides since 2021, the date of the vaccine. I'm not surprised that neuromonitoring tests are being done.
I don't remember in which episode it appeared in this series of History of a Genocide, there was a pattern that was repeated, people collapsed with their cell phones in their hands, with the typical twist of death. Neuromoculation?
Now with graphene inside the brain it is very easy. That's what this whole story was about.
What evil mind can do something like that to our entire species? Treasonously introduce nanotechnology throughout the world.