Oh my God!! What an atrocity!

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Reduced graphene oxide is being sprayed from planes. I found a US patent for cloud seeding and rGO was on the list. They are spraying every single day and at least twice a day. Everything is contaminated even organic food.

The big food companies are all partners of the WEF so their products will be contaminated. The WEF considers its partners a driving force to its 2030 agenda. It's all on the WEF's website under "Partners".

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It is true that they fumigate and also the existence of those patents. It could be possible, in this normality that has been imposed on us, we must think that everything can be possible. But on the other hand, if this is the case, the plants in any forest should also be magnetic, but they are not.

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They rarely spray the forests. They spray highly populated areas the most. I lived in a small town and I rarely saw chemtrails but I have been seeing them every single day now that I moved close to the city. I went for a walk after sunrise and they were already chemtrails in the sky and I saw planes spraying heavily before sunset which is something that I've never seen in the very small town I used to live in.

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In the town where I live, there are mountains and forests. I do routes twice in Samana through the mountains, I'm talking about kilometers of extension. Almost every day I see the typical airplanes with their Chemtrails passing by. Not just one, but dozens throughout the day, afternoon and night. They cover extensive areas nationwide. You can see via satellite how these trails are spreading throughout Europe. By this I mean that when they spray, they don't do it on top, only on top of orchards.

For now, the graphene oxide they use is not the cause of the mangetism of the plants and infusions due to the tests carried out. We will see the possible cause soon.

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According to Dane Wigington of Geoengineering Watch, snowfall in Northern California has nanoparticles and graphene with surfactants to prevent coagulation/combining.

Lots of aluminium, potassium, magnesium and the ph is like that of seawater.

The trees are dying.

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I'm not surprised. Almost daily they spray us from the skies. Graphene is also part of aircraft fuel according to the patents.

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'They' are spraying us with BioWeapon TOXIC HEAVY METALS via Chemtrails: https://genevathatcher.substack.com/p/heavy-metal-detoxification-of-the

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Yes, we know, in many countries there are official laws that clearly say that these products are being used to modify the climate. We have patents where graphene is also used in these chemtrails.

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Yes, this is true unfortunately. We are buying as little from the stores as possible. We try to grow our own food. The food situation is going to go from bad to worse. If possible, grow your own food.

We bought some organic ground beef last week and got infected again. We detoxed with Cat's Claw and Ivermectin, no longer going to buy that brand of organic meat. Thanks to Cov - Id Project, I am going to start taking those Neodymium Magnets to the store to test the food before we buy it.

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You're lucky, not everyone has the space to grow their own food. Although it is also true that pots can be used to grow certain plants.

If you have space, a couple of chickens will give you organic eggs every day and the rabbits will also give you organic meat like chickens. Although here in Europe THEY don't want you to be self-sufficient, they want you to depend on them, that's why there are many restrictions for people who have farms, or animals. They force you to declare how many animals you have, they force you to vaccinate them, which means they add graphene.

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I am sorry you Europeans have it difficult. It will get worse for 2 to 3 months after the American Pacific North West BIG earth quake and volcanoes go off here where we live. We are not that lucky after all. 'There is no death, for we are all Eternal Beings.'

After the big quake things get worse as the international supply chain goes down.

The Big One Earthquake - Preparations 2024:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dsv5A6NmCqI&t=8s 12:00min.

Food and water will be a hardship for you Europeans and for us Americans. It will only be for 2 to 3 months. Then things get better, slowly for Europe, not as slow for America.

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My Angels told me about this earth quake 10 years ago. I do not mention what they tell me until it comes out publicly. The following are videos by intuitive and scientific people:

This is cut and paste from a group email I sent out.

The coming PNW HUGE earth quake, 12 on the Richter scale. I suppose 12 is unimaginable to people as I see articles saying '9' on the R. scale.

For example:

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Article: ‘ANY DAY NOW’- FEMA Preps 9.0 Magnitude Earthquake Along The Cascadia Subduction Zone -13,000 Deaths In Wake Of Pacific Megaquake: https://beforeitsnews.com/earthquakes/2022/02/any-day-now-fema-preps-9-0-magnitude-earthquake-along-the-cascadia-subduction-zone-13000-deaths-in-wake-of-pacific-megaquake-2751307.html

I usually do not mention any thing my Angels told us until it becomes public. When I saw the below video emailed to me by a friend, I was amazed, some one else is getting the same message and it is on a video, publicly.

I Had A Dream, Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Asteroids - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3v-bQMvETcc&t=7s 15:00 min.

As scary as this video makes the earth quake out to be, it will be much, much worse.

The lord showed me an earthquake hitting the west coast | Prophetic Warning‼️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEez_USZazs 23:00 min.

In 2022 we noticed an article here and there regarding the coming PNW 'Big One.' But now days,, the warnings are off the scale.

Did a search this morning for 2024 July earth quake predictions, filtered it for 'this month,' look what comes up: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=2024+July+earth+quake+predictions&sp=EgIIAw%253D%253D

This earth quake is coming. It has too. Our Angels told us there is no way around it. It has been put off for too long. The pressure build up is growing. It is time to release the Kraken. The planet is growing from the inside out.

TA mentions in the video below that this is a global earth quake or world earth quake. The whole world is not going to shake, but the whole world will be affected by this quake in one way or another: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FT_Y41c3k3w&list=TLPQMjQwNjIwMjQjV9YHuiYQWw&index=7 20:00 min.

The lord showed me an earthquake hitting the west coast | Prophetic Warning‼️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEez_USZazs 23:00 min.

The Big One. Earthquake 2024, Earth Changes, Tsunamis, Flooding. Reminder to Prepare: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FT_Y41c3k3w&list=TLPQMjQwNjIwMjQjV9YHuiYQWw&index=7 20:00 min.

Also, CHAOS ensues all over the country and world after the earth quake as the planet will be moved off it's axis by 4 degrees.

I imagine there will be all kinds of unsettling weather shifting all over the planet.

SOTT Earth Changes Summary - June 2024: Extreme Weather, Planetary Upheaval, Meteor Fireballs - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skar8VjBDVc 21:00 min.

There may be an Earth quake on the New Madrid fault back East America according to some intuitive people

The Lord gave me a Dream about a Massive 10.0 Earthquake Splitting the USA in Half on the New Madrid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9LbOC7UXbc0

SHORT: 2024 earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/7bNkKDj9R1g

There will be much chaos in America and the rest of the world. The chaos will last for 2 months, may be 3. You will need at least 3 months of food and water stored up. Food and water will become difficult to secure during the 2 to 3 months.

Chaos after the quake

by: Tony Lamb - Its Coming, All I Can Do Is Warn: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2x_IqDqelw&list=TLPQMTIwNzIwMjTdwOljIWE3gg&index=2 After the earth quake doom and gloom

The initial earth quake will be a 12. It will devastate the PNW coast line from BC Canada to Mexico. California will have a big quake as the San Andreas Fault will react to the Juan de Fuca/Cascadia Fault line.

Oregon's coast will be was away flat by the tsunami. Hawaii and Japan will be hit hard by the tsunami.

Japan Predictions and Warning for Taiwan and USA! | Coffee with Craig: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45wZqs6T4zs&t=381s 40 min.

20 million people and probably more than 20 million animals will cross over as a result of the initial quake. Volcanoes going off, even where no one knew there was a volcano. This earth quake is going to be devastating to our country and our economy.

Even the scientist are saying the PNW is due for a big quake.

A Mega-Tsunami In The Pacific North-West? It Could Be Worse Than Predicted, According To A New Study: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsmiRZh2wF4 10:00 min.

The earth quake (s) and volcanoes will not stop for an entire month. A little more than 1/2 of Washington State goes thousands of feet under water and stays there. Donald Trump turns what is left of Washington State in to an International Sea Port that creates jobs to building the port and jobs to run the port.

After the few months of Chaos things start to get better and better. The economy will boom. Jobs for every one. No more homelessness. No more verterans on the streets. No more high food and gas prices. No more WOKEness. Much good is coming to America first, then the rest of the world. As goes the United States, so goes the rest of the world.

I hope and pray you will take this seriously. We do. Get ready freddy. Prepare as best as you can.

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We know. It is a possibility, we know that something big is prepared. Here we are prepared, from CiberPolygon, the simulation (like the pandemic drill in November 2019) where the global food supply would fall.

In each provincial capital there is a group of The Fifth Column, and within each province, groups were also created in various towns. We solved the communications issue, created the medical and supplies group. Army personnel were involved.

As for the earthquake, I don't know if you heard anything about the Canarian volcano, here in Spain. They tried to dynamite the volcano's underground, to cause a gigantic wave aimed at the United States. The United States is dismantling it, and people don't realize it, they keep thinking about politics. Yes or yes they are going to destroy it. They build empires and when they are no longer interested, they destroy it. Between that or a new civil war. In any case, the policy of the Davos Forum, here in old Europe, is what rules the world, and what this Forum says will be done.

You live in a beautiful environment, you have resources that nature gives you.

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Here is a link to a new product that showed great results in removing graphene from the body. https://masterpeacebyhcs.com/?ref=6862

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It seems to be based on zeolite, the product I recommended to you. Since it is liquid, it would have to be analyzed under a microscope.

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Dr Robert Young analyzed it under the microscope. the video is on rumble

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Is there any product for detoxing this substance that you have become aware of? I have to proceed w extensive dental work. Someone recommeded Lidacaine instead of septacain (spelling may be off.) do you have any information on either or both of these? I bought the magnets, should I ask the dentist to test the anesthesia? I have delayed this for months reading your comments on Dr. Ana’s site. Now I must do somthing. Any info welcomed.

Thank you again for this body of work. It’s so hard to find anyone else bringing this to light.

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Tanto I analyzed lidocaine two years ago and it contains graphene. Septocaine also contains graphene and nanotechnology. Now all anesthetics contain both, graphene and nanotechnology. In fact, Septpdont is the company that manufactures septocaine, and this company works together with Moderna.

If it is a filling, it can be done without anesthesia. If it is dentistry, no. Implants discarded. Both dentistry and implants require several punctures over time. Since it punctures, extraction is better and thus avoids punctures in the future.

Orthodontics can be done without anesthesia, I did it a year ago. The nerve was already dead.

I recommend that you take antioxidants (Vit. D3, NAC) afterwards, it is the only thing that will alleviate the damage. And chelators. You may notice that you will start to cough, the graphene is expelled through the lung. Don't expose yourself to Wi-Fi or cell towers for years.

You can also use the magneto-thermal technique devised by Dr. Sevillano and Ricardo. Tell me your first 4 initials in the email and I will send you some videos, since it is difficult to explain. I have not tried this technique but Ricardo says that it greatly reduces the amount of graphene.

I was contaminated in 2022 due to anesthesia. I knew I had graphene, but the pain was unbearable. Now I know that infections are cleared with antibiotics. The symptoms I noticed were cough, I was coughing hard for a month. I started to have arrhythmias in my heart, I still have them but they have almost disappeared. And every month I do a blood test that I put on my Telegram channel. After more than a year and a half there is still graphene circulating in my blood, although less so. When the time comes I will post some tests I did on various hospital medications and my blood.

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Hear - first 4 intials of email, this what you are asking for I think.

Thank you for sharing this much. I had avoided dentist for a long time, I have done all the work so far w no anesthesia, it was hard but doable. I have a tooth needing to be pulled-very painful. A bridge removed to do this. Two spaces and implants in the works. I was talked out of dentures by 4 people.

I have some lidocaine, used magnets on jar (ones you recommend) and didn’t see anything.

Do you recommend anything other than Vit.D & NAC? What chelators? And EDTA? zeolites mentioned here? I will detox but I have to do something. I alaredy have 2 teeth missing on other side-so need to be able to chew-have to put something in there. So few aware of all this. I’ve been telling folks about this, one woman at dentist office today asked for your substack name. At least that is something. Most turn away.

Thank you for all this information-so difficult to find anywhere else, except maybe some on Dr. Ana. I’m grateful.

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Hello Mary.

If you bring the magnet close to the bottle of lidocaine you won't see anything. Since the microparticles are very small they cannot be seen through the eye.

Chelators, for example, zeolite, work very well. We do not have direct proof that EDTA works, but it seems that what others say does. But it should be taken orally, not punctured since it will also contain graphene.

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I have already sent you several videos so you can see how this technique is done. Not all dentists agree to do this, you will have to find someone who knows what this is all about. When the time comes we will write an article explaining this technique for everyone.

What RQ says is true. Don't expect to see graphene with the naked eye. It is seen with the microscope.

Tell me if you have received the email.

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yes, I just read through the email. Thank you for information. So far dentist isn’t denying the informtion I have sent previously, just she doesn’t have much choice-it’s her work-agrees “toxins” are everywhere and detox is necessary. I don’t think she has really tuned in to graphene specifically and it’s dangers. Than you so much for the information. I am going to ask her to read through your subastack. I’m not sure if she will. Same office where an assistant asked for the name of it yesterday. As the saying goes, ‘it’s like pulling teeth…” to get folks to really tune into this. Much gratitude.

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Obviously the attack is on all fronts. They are evil.

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Very much, there are no words to define it

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Of course, this looks like a war, a war against humans.

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A silent war to wipe out most of us.

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What is the device called that precipitates graphene out of water? Thank you...excellent information, just found you last night.

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Water electrolysis device.

It is used to see the quality of the water. It's like this, you can find it in many stores.


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Thanks! Ordered one today.

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But who are these people who do this to us? Also in food!!! What evil minds!!! The word murderer is not enough.

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Some real criminals, there are no words to define this.

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Wow, jut sped read through this and this is a really good article. Well done Cov - Id Project! When I have time, I will digest it. Thank you for sharing.

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