In a context where the global financial crisis seems to be just around the corner, the accelerated introduction of digital currency is emerging as a determining factor in this impending economic catastrophe. Is this innovation really a solution or a tool of control?
As countries dive into the digitalization of their economies, the shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic looms over this scenario, serving as a catalyst for the implementation of measures that would otherwise have been unthinkable. But what is most disturbing is the growing connection between mass vaccination, based on graphene and nanotechnology, and the restructuring of our global economy. With each dose administered, the question is raised: Are we taking a step towards a utopian future or are we chaining ourselves to a system of surveillance and control designed by those who benefit from the crisis?
In this web of interests, it is imperative to carefully analyze the true objectives hidden behind the technology and politics that today more than ever influence our lives. And everything is better understood if the E factor (THEY) is put before any aspect of reality, a crisis, war, etc. It is THEY who create crises, wars, conflicts, etc., for their benefit.
If by 2030, according to the WEF, we are told that "you will have nothing and you will be happy", it is evident that they need to instigate various crises to achieve this goal, the financial crisis being one of the most significant. They will strip you of your property and your money in the bank under the justification of a crisis, and they will confuse you with figures and data so that you cannot see the truth. In reality, this situation is the result of a strategy they have designed to achieve their own ends.
This has nothing to do with politics, bankers or the wealth of some. It is THEY, I repeat again, who are the cause of all the ills of humanity. As long as no one in the official world speaks out about why there is graphene in injectables, we have to distrust our world as we have been taught, which we already know is another deception, since it does not want you to know that THEY rule the world, politicians are mere puppets at the service of THEM.
In all areas of life, if you put them in the appropriate context you will understand the misfortunes we suffer. You will recognize how "THEY" have been directing our civilization since always. This is the E Factor (in Spanish “ELLOS” = 'THEY'). Possibly non-human entities are directing our civilization.
As we deepen our understanding of "THEY", we acquire a deep knowledge about our adversary, our main predator. By understanding the E Factor, you will be able to unravel the keys to the reality you inhabit. The world you know is not the same as the one presented to you through the media; there is a very different reality. Once you assimilate this concept, you will be able to unravel all the enigmas that "THEY" have told you, not only the current phenomena, but also the mysteries that have marked our history, both past and present.
Naturally, as the following video says, the FED does not act and has never acted for the common good. People continue to wonder why these things happen, and they will never understand it until they put the E Factor first in all this. It is THEY who create the crises and then they blame you directly.
Invasion of the Body Snatchers, 1956 full movie.
Try looking at Forbidden Knowledge. Yesterday's post. She also posts in her substack by same name. She includes Cyrus Parsa's film warning of all this from a few years ago. Lots of info there. I'm not saying I agree with it all but we weigh thru these things and see what else shows up. It's a lot to wrap our heads around and yet not looking doesn't help. Thanks for bringing this top to light. And all that said, keeping our main focus on our humanity, valuing what we do and our ability to love must be front and center.