In the current “new normal,” a veil of social control has emerged, fueled by the promise of public health and safety in a post-pandemic world. In this context, the concept of a New World Order, imposed by a manipulative elite and possibly controlled by another non-human predatory species, has gained relevance. One of the most disturbing aspects of this phenomenon is the UNEQUIVOCALLY CONCLUSIVE evidence of the infiltration of graphene oxide in vaccines (Dr. Campra, 2021), a substance that facilitates the surveillance and control of the masses through advanced technologies. This dystopian scenario represents a crossroads between science, power, and the disturbing vulnerability of the individual to a system that seeks to monitor every aspect of our lives, even through the means offered to us to “protect” our health.
Scientific literature shows how graphene oxide is able to interact with electromagnetic signals and can manipulate neural functions. This raises the chilling possibility that, upon entering our bodies, this compound not only influences our physical health, but also our cognitive abilities and the way we think, creating a control system that resembles a hive mind.
Imagine a world where individuality fades away and people are connected in a shared neural network, a collective mind that can be easily manipulated by those in power. Graphene oxide is the key to achieving this interconnection, allowing elites to control not only our bodies, but also our thoughts and decisions.
As these compounds become more embedded in our daily lives, the question we must ask ourselves is: are we handing over our freedom and autonomy to a system that wishes to turn us into mere cogs in a gigantic, controlled machine? The truth is disturbing, it is vital that we keep our guard up against these hidden dangers and spread this information wherever we go.
In a recent interview, David Icke shares his vision on the dangers of mind control and the hive mind, delving into the connection between graphene and vaccines, thus facilitating a form of collective mind control, creating a kind of "hive mind" that connects individuals through a digital network.
Humanity is so far behind the curve it’s appalling! This shit has already manifested ieee communication and the change is underway. Waking up is matrix 2.0, a condition of never knowing wtf happened in the past.
Back to their future…
Icke is right on the money. We are all being gassed with nanotech, which is used to form an airborne mesh network, from which energy can be directed. The nano particles form 'nodes', which are addressable if they have formed bots in the presence of RF, etc. It comes through via the conduits in our houses, in which pipes and cables are housed - such as water, gas and drain pipes, and cable conduits as well. The gas is directed through these conduits. Once in the home, shining a microwave light beam onto them causes them to electomagnetise. This forms EM fields. The fields are used as the energy source to further direct the gas. So the electrical and gas systems are 'surged' with electrical energy, which powers the targeting system.
If you have noticed dots of light (blue, red, white) and though that your eyes were playing tricks, try videoing them. These are probably being shone into your home by your neighbours.
Recall Obama's civilian army, "just as strong, just as powerful ...". These are the bastards, which may well lbe living next door to you, who you may have known and trusted for years. They get massive compensation, usually in the form of vouchers, so they have work done on their houses, acquire new cars, although they don't go to work. Investigate, observe, be aware.
See my blog.